During the time she was married and expecting her daughter, she presents herself as continually sewing clothes for her child, and kept out of public life. Her husband (to whom her Mrs Bennet-like mother married her off) was a gambler, .... Finally, we seem to have returned to 18th century icons, and discussed Marie Antoinette who Robinson wrote a poem to and sympathized much with as did many other women of the era (see my blog a�?how little we can know of hera�?); ...These tips will help you craft meaningful Mother's Day poems from daughter that will be a tresured gift.I felt a poem on the homecoming rape should be posted here. Daughter, Our Daughter By Nordette N. Adams When I was young, I sought boys' praise, hoping a knight scooped me up onto his fast white stallion. On the radio ...Mother Daughter. Mom comes today for our San Francisco holiday together! More to come on whereabouts and shenanigans...but I'm guessing teatime everyday like we try to do at home. Posted by Megan Taylor at 8:20 AM. Labels: Teatime ...daughter poetry, poem from daughter to mom, mothers day, gifts. Post. Mother's Day Poem - A Daughter By Sara A. Ballew A� Mother Poems from Family Friend Poems ... poem from daughter to mom A� spanish love poems A� teenage love poems ...My family and I are deciding on the grave for my dearly departed Sister and I would like a poem to be engraved on the reverse of the headstone..She will often describes herself as a�?her father's daughter,a�? or a�?her mother's daughter,a�? each aspect of herself being brought forward in different poems. a�?a��As I see you/ embracing me, in the mirror, I see I am/ my father as a woman. ...Yet even she knows how temporary it all is. It's funny how I don't care about my own life so much anymore. I remember when Mom and Dad seemed to reach this stage. But my daughter, my beautiful daughter! I want her to grow and blossom ...Hugs for Mom Girl Pendant. $11. Wonderful new wholesale Hugs for Mom necklace features a little girl pendant on a pink card with a poem from Daughter to Mom. Jazzy Musical Necklaces. -> horns ->notes. $12.50 ...Goodbye love poems express these sad feelings that come from deep within the heart. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye To you, to tell you that I loved you, to say What now must be one long, unbroken cry ...
It's bedtime at the okay corral & I wrote this in a hurry. It is a rough, rough draft, so...
The drummer boy kept the beat
LEFT, right, LEFT, right
Along with the soldiers' marching feet
LEFT, right, LEFT, right
The sound was thunderous on the street
LEFT, right, LEFT, right
History again was about to repeat
LEFT, right, LEFT!
The army was marching down the street
To go to a war that no one could beat
And some of them going would not come back
And ones that did would be broken and cracked
And kiss the girls and make them cry
You're off to war and about to die
Salute the flag and hold it high
Kiss your mother and wave goodbye
LEFT, right, LEFT
They'll put you in a new body bag
Drape your coffin with a nice, new flag
Then send your medals to your Mom and Dad
To replace the son or daughter they had
LEFT, right, LEFT!
I am very patriotic and support the troops, but...
At least every two years, we'd
trek across country, always from
coast to coast....why the Navy did that,
I don't know, never did we move
to a state nearby.
In the backseat of the car with
two other siblings, we saw every
gas station, every Dairy Queen
and every field of corn in the country,
nice straight rows of corn,
look how straight those rows are,
my dad would say.
From point A to point B, we
never strayed, unless he took extra leave,
then we would make a beeline to
Traverse City, Michigan, to Long Lake
and a week in a rented cabin.
Hearts Delight was our favorite,
we always tried to get that one.
And, it was the one we got that summer
when my mom decided to return to us
after her affair with my best friend's father.
She didn't come back because she
no longer loved him, nor because
she realized she still loved my dad,
no, her lover of nine months had dumped her,
decided to return to his family, and she,
she had no where else to go, so,
she came back "for the children."
I'll never forget that day. I was only
eleven, it's been almost fifty years, but
I still see her walking up the path to us.
She had on black Capri's and a sleeveless
black knit shirt with six huge white buttons,
the size of silver dollars, down the front.
Being the youngest, I ran out to hug her.
Mom didn't like being touched, she never
was a hugger, something I always respected, but,
today, today I felt I'd be forgiven. I was so damn
glad to see my mom. For many reasons.
So, I ran right out there and threw my arms
around her frame. It was the coldest hug I'd ever
had, and since that day, I've only had one other
that cold, oddly enough, it was from
my own daughter.
But, that's another story.
All I felt were the bones in her back. Her arms were
so thin, they felt foreign to me. Where had my
mother gone? Was this all that was left of her?
That night, in "Hearts Delight," we put on
the record of "The King and I." My brother
was Yul Brynner and I, Debra Kerr, together we
waltzed to "Shall We Dance?" to entertain
the family. We hammed it up and mimicked
our characters, our performance worthy of
awards. Well, everyone thought so, but Mom.
She just sat, and stared, and occasionally cried.
We stayed a family to the very end, but never
returned to Long Lake. Our hearts lost any
a park and a pond--
old grey haired man with sad hunch
and attractive thin Iranian looking daughter
with arm in a sling
have three dogs
and they play Frisbee.
dogs are frenetic and wild
barkin and yappin
with their tongues all aa��flappin
as dogs sometimes do.
another family walks up now
gramma grampa mom and
her little daughter maybe three years
and theya��re strollin by
probably doesna��t matter what
theya��re saying
theya��re havin a ball you can
see it in their faces.
little girl walks with a wobble
like on a fleshy pair of stilts
a fresh learned talent
not so graceful.
well one dog who is white
gets very excited, what with
the new prospective scent
thrown into the mix
and he races up to put a few
words in still barkin
still yappin
at a full mad dash
and what do you know
he bowls the baby girl right over!
She made a promise to her mother
To learn to dance just like no other
But she could feel it in her vision
To never make one bad decision
You see her mom had done a move so daring
And found the floor was not so sparing
Now shea��s slightly paralyzed
Her dream is done unrealized
Well as time went by a new contest
Her daughter vowed to be the best
She felt her mother watching her
Praying old events will not occur
But she glided to that very move
And did the leap and found her groove
Then like Fred Astaire did with a broom
She danced the floor and swept that room
Then in her ears there came a roar
The votes were in a perfect score
And to all the others who had tried
With that leap of love they were denied
But a vision seen then was not kept
Her mom forgave her as they wept
They felt their tears, they shared their cries
Her mom had won now through her eyes
at a campgroud where my husband son daughter and i met them. in my past i MIGHT have THOUGHT of doing this but wouldnt think of it now. in my younger years i had a very minliputiave past but have changed. They met some new friends while at the campgroud who seemed so nice even to me ...now a week or so later after they were very hurtful and told the whole family and loads of friends... and hurt my feelings so bad with the nasty words by her and my step dad ... checks have been cahsed and i was here in town and the check cashed near camp over 2 hours from home where we all live ..now they are ( they have to be sure ) it WASNT me because i have been home and in this area ... they wont say sorry or even reassure me it was a mistake . I know i didnt do it and i am pretty sure they do to . Then tonight my daughter who adores my mom wanted to go home with her after we all crossed paths at my grandmothers (where i live in the same duplex) just next door ... i said no my daughter could not go until i was aplogized to , i am really hurt . they have the right to have felt the way at first that they did ...but now they should admiit the worng and atleast say something like i am sorry . iw ould like a pem to my mom telling her i understand their point in the begining. but i wouldnt do something to hurt them or steal from them and now they knwo it couldnt have been me ( she wants to aplogize AFTER it is PROVEN by the police who it is and they are tried in court and covicted ) i am HURT upset and angry ... i love her and wouldnt want my hard feelings but .... beings they cant admit they jumped the gun ... anyway i want a poem to say i love her wouldnt hurt her and her not saying sorry hurts and i understand y she accused me at frist , and i am hurt hurt hurt ...please help jsut something short and sweet ...i broken down and agreed to allow my baby girl (3years old) to go stay with her tomorrow night should my mother want her to , everyone was crying when she left my daughter my mom and me cause i wouldnt allow her to go until this was resolved and i was told sorry . my gram says my momcant say sorry cause she feels like to big of an ass ...HELP
Me (20)and my brother(18) had a big argument 2 days ago and haven't spoken since but I want to make up so I've written this poem could you please read it and tell me if its good and how it could be improved.
At first I have to admit I was jealous but just for a short bit
Mom and dad looked at you with pride
My jealousy made me feel put aside
For this I feel no shame, thata��s just a Childs game
As time went on nature came through my pride, love and a bond grew
Still only my brother not yet a friend
I was your big sister to the end
Soon my childish jealousy I overcame, I'm not saying there was none
He just wants you to play, I can still hear mom say
But he's too little I would say he doesn't know how to play and he's always in my way
Mom he follows me around all day he's too little for my big girl play
He's your little brother and he doesn't just want to play your his big sister it's your duty mom would say, to show your brother the right way
When he grows up for all this, with his love and loyalty he will pay.
So please my daughter show your brother how to play.
Pay back will be yours in time not so far away it was one of my lifea��s biggest tolls to play for you a good role.
But from that day to my lifea��s end you are not just my brother but my lifea��s greatest friend.
I am 24 and he is 30. We have been together for a year and a half. He has a 6 year old daughter. We have had a kind of rocky relationship but we were very committed to eachother. We have lived together all but 3 months of that. He asked my Dad if he could marry me two months into our relationship. When we met I was still recovering from an eating disorder and he had just lost his house to foreclosure so we both had struggles. We met at our job. He worked crazy hours because he has split custody of his daughter. So we got a rental house and things were rocky but we loved eachother very much. We were fighting more and more but I didn't know why. I blamed myself alot and always ended up apologizing to him. He never liked to address our problems. He met my family and they loved him. I met his and they were way different from mine.. pretty cold and unwelcoming. But it was okay. I always saw the good in him and he had a big heart. He had his troubles but I always saw the good side to him. And I loved how he had helped me in my recovery and showed me how to live my life as enjoyable as possible. I got pregnant and he seemed okay with it. I was happy though I wished we had waited until we were more stable. He went on a trip to Honduras with me and my extended family. He surprised me and asked my dad if he could marry me and proposed to me. I was so happy and surprised. When we got back we started fighting a lot. I now realize that it was how he talked to me. He wasn't very nice to me. We had my ultrasound to see what we were having and it was a girl. He seemed to be kind of unhappy about that and stopped really acknowledging my pregnancy. He never once did anything to help me while I was pregnant. He would get on to me for doing the laundry wrong and for asking him to clean up after himself in the kitchen. I would cry all the time because he would just be mean and tell me I'm crazy (i was hormonal!) and then ignore me and spend time with his daughter so he didn't have to address our problems. I was isolated and miserable just a few months after our engagement. I was getting more and more frustrated and unhappy. I cried all the time and he'd tell me to leave the house if I was going to do that. It seemed like sex was the only thing we still had. I tried to talk to him but he didn't want to anymore. He blamed me for all of the problems and I believed him.. though it didn't feel right. I was just trying to make it work. I was so good to him. Rubbed his back, cooked, brought him food to work, played with his daughter. He didn't do one thing for me except wash my car (which I could care less about). I kept asking him if he still wanted to be with me which drove him crazy but it really didn't feel right. I even paid for counseling for us. He came two times and I was hopeful that we'd figure it out. Then he threw me a baby shower with both our families. That same day, we had an argument and he called and said he wouldn't be coming home. I was crying and felt desparate. Instead of giving him space I kept telling him to come back and we can make it work. I was hysterical. I stayed with my mom and I got him a new bike I'd been wanting to get him. I thought space would be good. But while I was gone he had a 20 year old girl over and slept with her in my bed, leaving my bedsheets in a heap after he washed them. He avoided me for a whole week and then just said he was done and that he had been 'over me' for a month. I found love poems he had wrote with this girl in my house. He stayed with his sister and had this girl who is a 20year old single mother staying there with him because she just split with the father of her baby. They were waiting there because they thought I would move out of my house and let them take over the lease but I wasn't having that. I wanted him to come back. Finally he got his own place with her and left me with a $1100 lease and bills and hasn't talked to me since. Not about the baby not about how I am not about where I'm staying. I'm devastated and confused. Please give me your opinion. Please don't judge.
If it's too long for you then don't read it. You don't have to comment on it. Please be a little more mature. THank you.
My friends and family told me that I was probably the best girl he had ever had the chance to be with. And I was very good to him. I guess I am not strong enough to demand better for myself yet. But in a way he did love me too... but I guess it was a very immature love. I just was asking him to be there and support me and show me he loved me and he didn't know how to do that. He got tired of me asking for that little bit of support and he left. I felt alone all of the pregnance. The hardest part about letting go is that I still see the good in him and his intentions. I think I may have wanted him to be and saw him as something that he wasn't. I feel stupid. This has been the hardest experience of my short life.
my whole world is falling down,
nine one one,nine one one,
in smoke and debris our loved ones drown,
nine one one ,we say.
husbands,brothers,sons and dads,
nine one one,nine one one,
wives and sisters,daughters,moms,
all come to help that day.
senseless deaths from hate and war,
nine one one, nine one one,
in our homeland and yonder shore,
when will it go away.
our children need us to be there,
nine one one,nine one one,
to give them tender love and care,
that drives their fears away.
It was fun but disappointing, any suggestions for improvements would be appreciated.
The Old Guard School of Fashion
(Ode to my mom)
Before the cheval glass reflection
trying on styles of acculturation
This closeta��s inundated overspill
leaves me so uncomfortable
(Not mine!)
Careworn classics just wona��t jive
The free bohemian, as long as Ia��m alive
Conjectured cashmere ensembles reassemble
Who will measure me by those I resemble
(I refuse!)
Appropriated garb for all your needs
passed down maternal lines
French brocades or Scottish tweeds
bequeathed to daughters left behind
(I hate it!)
Tightly confining, as laced up corsets
A bit too itchy, I cana��t endorse it
Mom said, youa��ll relish this by and by
The resulting rash is rough and dry
Irritated, my reply was twitchy,
(Ia��ll try)
These memories reek of her perfumes
Muget in the morning ,Channel after noon
Scrutiny eyed the daughter cloned, was her delight
habilimented the costumer reinvented the fight
(Im nauseous!)
Even when at my invitations
for luncheons, tea or lemonade
Stamping cups with lipstick impressions
asking if I admire her particularly peculiar shade
(Go home!)
Dona��t forget dear, what I told you
Classic dona��t go out of style, and never become obsolete
Well done to my credit, I did mold you
You must agree that a tweed is sweet.
(Not even in mothballs!)
Alone before my mirror
Oh? My glassy eyed dull surprise
Assessing the fit of my new tweed jacket
my cashmere sweater and skirts brocade
(Maybe with boots?)
I hear her voice retorting with such felicity
That is just simply the perfect selection
never compromise authenticity
Ita��s genuinely YOU!
And so very, truly, ingenue!
Marion; I'm no poet, this is the second poem I have ever written since, the last time I tried it when I was a teenager, a long time ago I quit. I just figured I try to see how hard it is now,as an adult, before I could make any assumptions about anyone else who tries to master it and submit it for critique. It takes courage to do that and it humbles me.
I want to go to the doctor to talk about the way I'm feeling but I don't know how to approach them. I'm not sure if I have a family doctor, I'll ask my mom but I'll just go talk to one of the doctors. I've been feeling really horrible for the past few months maybe starting from second semester of the 10th grade. I'm now in the 12th grade and things are really bad. I just drifted from my friends because of all the talk behind my back, it was pretty obvious and its just everything with school. EVERY SINGLE PERSON at my school gives me this look even in public because I'm not a beautiful sight and this I know dont say im not cuz its true. So every time they do look at me I feel like im a freak an alien and god I just want it to stop it hurts so bad and every time I talk about this or even think about it I start to cry and I've thought about suicide but 1) I cannot do that to my mummy and 2) im too much of a chicken. When my mom did notice that i get uncomfortable around people we got into this argument and she cried and said that shell be a mother who finds her daughter hanging in her room. Id never do it....only if my mom wasn' t around on earth. So I really cant talk to her and also my teachers find me pathetic, one of them even sighed when he say me today(I wrote a really disturbing poem last year and so its really awkward) I try to sleep early but I just end up thinking about all this and crying at night, I'm very irritable, my brother and I get into physical fights every other day and he even threatened to tell my mom about my journal that has every thing in fact hes telling her today and he's only 15 a year younger than me. Could this just be hormones, normal for a teenager or something more. There are other things though but its too much....how do I talk to the doctor about this problem?
Please help me translate this poem for my Mom. :) Mucho Gracias!!
"Mom...I haven't been to these sites in years it feels. I had been missing out on what I couldn't remember...Two years gone by and so much has changed...but our poetry still remains. Our combined heart spilled onto the page, as we laughed, as we cried, as we grew closer undoubtedly. I have so much to say, and no words to describe; since you left, the words are like tides. Flowing from the mind to the hand and then back again; never touching a drop of ink. You were and always will be my source of lettering; the ink to my paper, as we are mother and daughter. The physical distance between us is great, yet the metaphysical distance is less. All that I need to put the feelings onto paper, is your touch of love, the mothering grace; the one you had given me through our years of poetry. When I write with you, it is like no other; you truly are the best mother. I love you very much mom!"
Sorry it's kinda long. Actually, now that I look at it, it's really REALLY long!!!!!! - but I think it's worth reading.Tell me what you think! Please and thank you ^.^
You'll never know
how much I need you
You'll never know
how much I care
Or how when you walk by,
sometimes I can't breathe
the time we spend together
I wish I could play in slow motion
Your arms are
the most comforting place in the world
and when you hug me
I wish you would never let go.
Sometimes I just need to be held...
Sometimes I need a shoulder to cry on.
You'll never know
how when I'm with you
I feel safe
because I trust you and I know
if anything happened, you'd be there.
I know you would protect me
and even if you couldn't
at least you'd be there with me.
You'll never know
how when I see you with your family,
when you hug your grandchildren
and tell your daughter you love her
a small part of me dies
because I know
I'll never be as lucky as they are.
You'll never know
how I pray every day
that you might find God,
or that he may find you,
because if you didn't find him like I did
and something happened to either of us
heaven would be hell without you.
They say there's no pain in heaven
so you must forget the ones you love
who didn't make it there with you.
What they don't know is I can't do that...
it would be absolutely impossible to forget.
You'll never know
how I always, always remember.
I remember the day we first met,
the last time that we hugged,
the last time you looked at me.
I remember every little detail-
even what you were wearing.
The reason why I do is because I care.
You'll never know
how when I watch you drive away in your car,
when I watch you walk away,
slowly fading into the distance,
I wish more than anything that I could come too.
You'll never know
just how much it hurt
that one time when I was waiting to be picked up
and the girls next to me said
"Look! There's your mom..."
and at that moment you walked through the door.
They said you could adopt me
and you told me to let you know when I was ready
even though we both know it could never happen.
You'll never know
How much my heart fell
that one time when we were at the restaurant
(you know, that one we normally go to?)
and your friend asked you
"Es ella tu mija" and you replied
no, she not...
...but I wish she were.
You'll never know
just how much I pay attention
how I watch the way you walk
and I know the way you fix your hair
I know which colors you wear the most
I notice every little thing...
I noticed the row of lipsticks along your dresser
when you first showed me your bedroom
I noticed that the way you act
is so much different from my mom
it's so much more ladylike- more like me.
You'll never know
just how much I love your laugh
how I love the way you smile
and I think you have the best sense of humor.
You make me laugh more than anyone I know
even when I really don't want to.
When the world is rushing around me
and my life seems to be falling apart
just one thing that you say
can cheer me up and give me hope.
You'll never know
how much you inspire me.
I'm fascinated and intrigued
even by the little things you do.
You'll never know
how when I call you on the phone
I do it just to hear your voice.
Sometimes I do it when I have nothing to say
or I find an excuse to be with you.
Sometimes I dial the first six numbers of you number
and just hang up.
You'll never know
those dreams that I had
the ones that were destroyed a long time ago
yet, somehow, you managed to put back together
and you did it without even trying.
There are lots of things you'll never know
the reason being because I don't know how to tell you
or I'm just too scared to let you find out.
But the one last thing I hope you do know
the one thing I don't have to tell you
because you already see it all the time
I just want you to know
how much I really, truly, deeply
love you.
does anyone know of a good quote or short poem that might work for this...my mom is having a rough time...i'm her daughter and live in a different state, my sister is in a different country and her youngest kid just moved out too. So she's a bit depressed and doesn't know what to do with herself.
I appreciate any help!
My step-mother was physically and emotionally abusive to me for 14yrs. growing up. I haven't talked to her or my father in nine years but I have alot of hate and have been struggling to move on .I would like to hear feedback on the poem as well as If I should sent it to her ?or just put it in a box ?Please help somehow after all this time I can't let go of this,and it has affected my relationship with my husband of 12yrs. Why is that?
Either way here it is.....
you've hated me so all through my life ,and all you are is my dads newest wife,
you've taken my soul and heart in such a way ,i can't forgive you to this day,
my kids were born with no sight of you, you we're supposed to be part of who they knew.
you took my childhood right out of me, you shoved my face in my own pee,
you took my head and banged it so , i've never hit an all time low,
i bet your power is your drug of choice,i bet it is when hateful actions gave me no voice,
to stop you and all the hurt, you even ripped up my favorite shirt,
you monitored my calls, and told me no, how in the hell was i suppose to grow,
i dropped out just to run from you, getting away was all i could do.
i told mom and you beat me worse, u just wanted me to end up in a hurst..
i bet you never thought with your cheerleading daughters,when i'd be the one to tread water..
i can't keep friends, or the love of my life, again this is to you,my dad's newest wife ,
no wonder why i feel like i'm dying, because im not happy ,I seem to be only crying.
i hate you,but not that you care ,grow a heart if you dare,
take back your actions and words you have said ..
because of you i have lived half dead.
i miss myself ,oh wait i don't know who that is ..all wasn't wasn't one of your kids
but somehow through the pain you've cased in my life ,again all i think of you as is my dads newest wife.
a person with no remorse for anything you've done ,well it starts with me NOW..the battle will be won...
it's gonna be awhile but i refuse to quit, not over you, and yourhatefulatefull PITY ME shit.
you've done enough damage now, i have to let go ....now it's time for me to say ,NO!!!
My father never stood up to her either,he,turned to drugs and alh.-he almost killed both of us when I was 8 my step-mom told him to take "your daughter"me (while) throughly intoxicated and he let his hands off the wheel and wrapped the truck around a telephone pole.
I miss my father and have heard through my half brother he and my grandma his mom are'nt doing well..I just can't bare to face her after all this time
PS. when i copied the poem from my notepad to this site it duplicated some of my words,and left out some .sorry
Thankyou all so much for your feedback this has been really difficult for me and because of that it does feel like "she's winning the battle"
It's really sad, like a forward type thing.
Her name is Tory.
This poem is about her story.
About how she got raped.
How her father made a damned videotape.
She was crawling away with bruises and scrapes.
How she almost died trying to escape.
She didna��t say nothing for years.
And now she regrets that mistake
Cause shes in tears.
He did it again,
Except this time he did it with a friend.
She was only thirteen first time ten
And already raped by two friends.
I bet that dumb father of hers felt the glory
Of raping his own daughter.
All she wishes is that daddy gets slaughtered.
Couple of years later
She is only 15
And scarred for life.
Lost all hope doesna��t even need Christ.
Yes she rolled the dice.
She didna��t open her mouth the first or second time.
Only because she thought he would be nice.
But while theya��re at the dinner table eating rice,
Daddy comes home drunk not looking too nice.
Looks at his daughter and nods his head
Says after dinner, go straight to bed.
First thing that comes to her mind is Oh no not again
I should have told mommy way back when!
She says to herself as she walks up the stairs
You know what I dona��t even care.
He can do it again Ia��m not scared!
He got something coming Ia��m prepared.
Ita��s now 11:53.
She hears walking,
Nervously saying Oh My God hea��s coming!
Ia��m not brave I cana��t do this.
She says to herself as she starts to reminisce.
Oh my gosh hea��s down the hall!
She starts to panic.
As she starts to crawl
Towards her window.
She picks up a kitchen utensil,
A big, sharp knife.
She sees under the door the light.
And then it gets turned off.
She hears her father cough.
Hea��s next to her door she hears a loud knock.
He says open the door I got you a present.
Whispering to herself the present is torment.
He just wants to touch me like Ia��m his peasant.
He screams I will open this door you consent!
He kicks the door wide open.
Her rooms dark as he walks in.
She runs at him and
Unexpectedly, she stabs him
In the chest.
He falls to the floor.
She keeps stabbing him like shea��s possessed.
She finally stops,
Hearing her mommy coming.
Mom looks in the room screaming Oh My God Honey!
What did you do?!!
Did you stab daddy?!
Why is he on the floor?!
Baby listen to me please! Do not ignore!
The daughter doesna��t respond, shea��s staring at the door.
Cause right besides it, she sees a bag with a game board.
I found this online for those sad forwards so...yeah
as several of you may know, my 17 year old sil committed suicide by hanging herself almost a month ago to the day. (details of this can be found in a few of my previous ?s) I was concerned about my mil then and i am starting to increase my concerns.
my deceased sil (sherry) would have turn 18 this coming sunday, tomorrow actually. my mil and her two sisters and there mom and pretty much the entire extended family will be going down to the cemetery and having a picnic for sherry's bday. they will be having cake and singing happy birthday and even taking sherry's cat to visit her. i think this is very strange, almost unhealthy. i can see taking down flowers and things for her bday but they are throwing an actual party for her expected to last hours. i wouldn't be surprised if the cemetery caretakers ask them to leave since it will be upwards of 20 plus people and several vehicles.
i am not being insensitive, but i can see how it would seem that i am. i have lost both my parents so i do know about traumatic loss and grieving and things. my grandparents also (who have lost both my mom and my uncle) did not behave this way. i am genuinly concerned about my mil.
she never ever leaves the house. my mils bday was a week ago and she spent the entire day at the cemetery, alone. my mil has taken an extended time off work and i think she may be quitting soon because they cannot hold her position open for much longer if she's not going to be there. her days consist of watching tv, playing with sherry's cat, and sitting on her sisters (also our neighbor) patio drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes, and visiting the gravesite. she made a shrine to sherry with flowers and photos and candles, along with sherry's hs diploma and framed poems and angel figures, which she dusts daily. my mil has said despite every bodies pleas that she do something normal like grocery shop or go out to dinner, or take her 15 year old daughter school shopping,that she doesn't deserve any fun if her 17 year old daughter cannot even live. my mil blames her self for sherry's suicide (see previous ?s) and has even said she doesn't want to live anymore. (she is very religious and not suicidal herself, as she believes it will send you to hell) she has two remaining children who are my fiance and his 15 year old sister. i am worried that she forgets that most of the time.
my mil doesn't sleep unless she is heavily medicated. she has also started lashing out at her third sister who lives in another town for not being there for her as much as her neighboring sister. she even took her 15 year old daughter to get ice cream cones and ate them at the grave "with sherry" my mil will eat dinner and say "sherry would have loved to be over for dinner, she always loved how her aunt mae made roast" ect.
i am sorry if this sounds insensitive or mean. i am concerned that my mil is or will be getting stuck in a rut. she wouldn't eat, get dressed or shower if her sister didn't force her to. is this going to let up and subside possibly or do we have to let let time tell and heal my mil the best it can?
ok i AM leaving my mil alone. obviously or i would address this with her if i wanted. i am quietly concerned and do not want to upset her. that is why i asked you guys what is normal and what is not, and if her behavior is showing signs of abnormality. if it is, i can have some backing in my words if i choose to say something to my mil or fiance or something.
noahs mom and marine-i am not sure what i expect her to be doing either. i was sure that since there are tons of ppl on Y!A that some1 would know better than me or my family, who have never experienced the death of a child, what should be expected and what shouldn't be. i don't know why you insist on answering all my questions in a way to make me out to sound like a child.
to every1 else negative- im not by any means "bashing" my mil. get real. i am expressing that her behaviors seem unhealthy to me, not rude or mean or anything to me personally. if i wasn't so concerned i wouldn't post so many times.
if you guys have a problem with it, stop reading and answering the questions i post. if parties at cemetery's are the norm in some families, i did not know that. all you had to do was nicely say that. because that would make sense. i know its only been a month. im not stupid. am i not allowed to have concerns. and a few of you could do to be more kind since your telling me to stop being insensitive
as several of you may know, my 17 year old sil committed suicide by hanging herself almost a month ago to the day. (details of this can be found in a few of my previous ?s) I was concerned about my mil then and i am starting to increase my concerns.
my deceased sil (sherry) would have turn 18 this coming sunday, tomorrow actually. my mil and her two sisters and there mom and pretty much the entire extended family will be going down to the cemetery and having a picnic for sherry's bday. they will be having cake and singing happy birthday and even taking sherry's cat to visit her. i think this is very strange, almost unhealthy. i can see taking down flowers and things for her bday but they are throwing an actual party for her expected to last hours. i wouldn't be surprised if the cemetery caretakers ask them to leave since it will be upwards of 20 plus people and several vehicles.
i am not being insensitive, but i can see how it would seem that i am. i have lost both my parents so i do know about traumatic loss and grieving and things. my grandparents also (who have lost both my mom and my uncle) did not behave this way. i am genuinly concerned about my mil.
she never ever leaves the house. my mils bday was a week ago and she spent the entire day at the cemetery, alone. my mil has taken an extended time off work and i think she may be quitting soon because they cannot hold her position open for much longer if she's not going to be there. her days consist of watching tv, playing with sherry's cat, and sitting on her sisters (also our neighbor) patio drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes, and visiting the gravesite. she made a shrine to sherry with flowers and photos and candles, along with sherry's hs diploma and framed poems and angel figures, which she dusts daily. my mil has said despite every bodies pleas that she do something normal like grocery shop or go out to dinner, or take her 15 year old daughter school shopping,that she doesn't deserve any fun if her 17 year old daughter cannot even live. my mil blames her self for sherry's suicide (see previous ?s) and has even said she doesn't want to live anymore. (she is very religious and not suicidal herself, as she believes it will send you to hell) she has two remaining children who are my fiance and his 15 year old sister. i am worried that she forgets that most of the time.
my mil doesn't sleep unless she is heavily medicated. she has also started lashing out at her third sister who lives in another town for not being there for her as much as her neighboring sister. she even took her 15 year old daughter to get ice cream cones and ate them at the grave "with sherry" my mil will eat dinner and say "sherry would have loved to be over for dinner, she always loved how her aunt mae made roast" ect.
i am sorry if this sounds insensitive or mean. i am concerned that my mil is or will be getting stuck in a rut. she wouldn't eat, get dressed or shower if her sister didn't force her to. is this going to let up and subside possibly or do we have to let let time tell and heal my mil the best it can?
She made a promise to her mother
To learn to dance just like no other
But she could feel it in her vision
To never make one bad decision
You see her mom had done a move so daring
And found the floor was not so sparing
Now shea��s slightly paralyzed
Her dream is done unrealized
Well as time went by a new contest
Her daughter vowed to be the best
She felt her mother watching her
Praying old events will not occur
But she glided to that very move
And did the leap and found her groove
Then like Fred Astaire did with a broom
She danced the floor and swept that room
Then in her ears there came a roar
The votes were in a perfect score
And to all the others who had tried
With that leap of love they were denied
But a vision seen then was not kept
Her mom forgave her as they wept
They felt their tears, they shared their cries
Her mom had won now through her eyes
Well, I am trying to help a few people. I have a 26 year old sister who has been with the same guy for over 10 years. I know he is abusive to her and there 3 kids. We come from a well treated and wealthy home. We just found out that my sister is on cocaine. She is scared to open up with my parents but tells me she wants away from this guy. How can I help her when she tells me 1 thing and my parents another. The real victims here are the kids. They are 3, 4, and 9 and hate going home. Unfortunatley they hate going home which is 4 hours away. But what I am seeking here is help for my parents. My mom has been sick for a while and my dad refuses to show emotion and is incapable of confiding in me. I had to take my moms medication because I was afraid of her overdosing. How can I keep telling her everything will be ok and her daughter and grandchildren will be fine if I am not sure of this myself. We can not call childrens Services beause there is never any proof of abuse other than the fact we see it. My sister is very close minded, she will not see us calling as help but to try and take her kids away and we will never see the kids then. Its hard for me to live my life when I worry about my family the way I do. Any advice or songs or poems or anything just as a pick me up for me and my family would be greatly appreciated.
well...she hates me for no reason , after a relationship of more than 1.6 years she suddenly stopped talking with me, and when i asked her why she said that her mom has started to giving her hints about how she's not gonna have me in her life in the future, and i got mad because if she wanted to stop talking with me coz of her mom she could have done that 11 months ago when her mom first asked her to stop our relationship, but even after that she used to talk with me secretly gave me so many hopes, even the day before our break up she wanted me to come and meet her and wanted me to kiss her and i did. thats why i got mad and blamed her hope you guys would understand how i felt at that time, it was like nothing to her , like she had been planning this breakup, on the day we met she said that she loves me but after we broke up n the otherday she says that she don't love me anymore, i know that she's doing this because her mom is kinda strict , her mom haven't met me yet dunno why she hates me for loving her daughter this much. anyways...
I have hope that i would be able to win her moms blessings oneday so now i need to make my gf happy and get her back, il do whatever it takes to do so, shes mad at me now because i scold her on that day :( i tried to call her , sent her messages but nothing worked she doesn't even reply me, but i know that she read my messages , so i thought of sending her a poem, but i cant write em :( im a bad writer, so if you guys know any good poems which can make an angry gf happy post them please , i want really good ones :)
I'd like some honest criticism/feedback on my poems, please? I'm 14.
Sorry it's kinda alot =/
"He Left"
An empty stare across my face
a tear rolls down my cheek
thinking how I could erase
those words that made me weak
Been laying in my bed all day
hungry and deprived
my hopes and dreams have washed away
gone as if I died
He told me that he loved me
he'd hug me if I'd cry
and then he left me calmly
with his simple goodbye
I really wish I could predict
I wish that I had seen
all the pain that he'd inflict
as soon as he left me
Every minute was fake
every second was wrong
a mirage of a lake
a blink, and it's gone
Our hearts are beating through the night
I hear them in my ears
They stutter and constrict with fright
They echo with our fears
Our fingertips are cold and numb
I cannot feel my toes
We'll scramble for the smallest crumb
And yet nobody knows
We're hiding in a basement
So cold, dark and wet
Our lives without replacement
All this we won't forget
One day we will be free
One day we will escape
One day people will see
One day our lives will shape
"Saying Goodbye"
I hold your hands so lightly
to comfort all your fears
I whisper to you softly
and hope that you can hear
I know that you'll be happy
wherever you will go
I know that you'll be free
and your heart will show no woe
I know that you will make it
to your land of happiness
where everything that's sacred
will fill your heart with bliss
I'll remember what you told me
I'll remember what you said
your heart is far from empty
although it's almost dead
And now I say goodbye
because it's time for you to go
but you'll never truly die
because my heart will always know
"Whenever you cry"
I linger silently
unable to speak
It ended so violently
and I was too weak
Although I am dead
I will not go away
your hearts have long bled
but that ends today
It's time to move on
It's time now to heal
you've suffered too long
and that I can feel
Although you don't know it
you can hear my voice
your actions will show it
you'll make the right choice
So now I am free
So now I can fly
but here I will be
whenever you cry
"Their Son"
He cries, he wails
there's nothing I can do
as an organ fails
my face goes greenish-blue
He turns towards me
his eyes so scared
I want to flee
I'm unprepared
I take his hand
and hold it tight
and know I can't
erase his fright
I'm not his mom
I'm not his dad
but they're long gone
his heart they stabbed
They just left
they ran away
while their son slept
he was betrayed
And now he's sick
and now he's crying
the seconds tick
their son is dying
He smiles at me
his eyes close
and I know that he
died of a broken heart
Alot of people suggested that I write about happier things. I took their advice, and I tried. Here are my attempts:
The corners lift
white bones show
everything shifts
with a special glow
A muscle twitch
a painkiller
a flick of a switch
a heart stealer
Used to show feeling
expresses devotion
often revealing
your deepest emotions
Say so much
with individual glint
a silent touch
your personal flint
"Claws of the Beast"
beyond sight
reflection of light
The blues bounce off the grays
and the whites off the greens
the sun's brilliant rays
fall forever in beams
The claws of the beast
the horrific beauty
crave a bloody feast
move wild and freely
Love and hate
cold or warm
decides your fate
just a windy storm
The ocean.
People also suggested that I try to write without rhyme. I tried. I don't like it really, but here it is:
"My Words"
Sitting on my bed
I can hear the rain
it's dark outside
people are sleeping
I tell them all my feelings
my pencil and my notebook
because they always listen
they never interrupt
The graphite on the paper
makes words
sometimes they rhyme
it's beautiful
I'm afraid to show people
my words
they might take them
and lie
But I show some people
and I'm glad
they say my words
are beautiful
The rain has stopped
I hear the crickets
I close my eyes
and sleep
I run faster
Towards the sun
Its brilliant luster
Promising fortune
When I arrive
At the edge of the cliff
Ia��m ready to dive
But my body is stiff
My toes dangle freely
I take a deep breath
And, eerily,
I jump to my death
The rocks far below
Rise up to meet me
But they dona��t know
That Ia��m already dead inside
a�?Through it Alla�?
My daughtera��s outside crying
My husb
Oh sorry it didn't post it all.
a�?Through it Alla�?
My daughtera��s outside crying
My husband in a grave
And here I lay, Ia��m dying
Their company I crave
Ia��ve seen a hundred years
Ia��ve been through it all before
Ia��ve conquered all my fears
My memories, Ia��ve stored
Although I cannot move
Although I cannot speak
Ia��ve proved everything to prove
And Ia��ve shown that Ia��m not weak
Ia��m sad that it is over
But Ia��m ready now to go
So I give it up forever
This life Ia��ve always known
a�?Sorrow into Blissa�?
If you look then you will find
Creatures so disgusting
Creeping, crawling in my mind
Reaping, clawing, cutting
Guilt, grief, regret
Making my brain fry
Some things you dona��t forget
Not even if you try
Love, hope, wish
Balance out the bad
Turn sorrow into bliss
Happy instead of sad
At constant war
The bad and the good
Ia��ll always remember
A never ending feud
Thank you for reading!
Glorine~ Of course you can use my poem! I feel so honored =)
Thanks to everyone else, you people are way too nice. If you'd like updates on my poetry (including new poems when I write them) you can visit evilxplatypus(.)webs(.)com (remove the parenthesis)
*Both written from experience.*
My Daddy:
Your daddy tucks you in at night,
my daddy spent the night drunk,
and he got in a fight.
Your daddy bought you new shoes.
My feet are bare,
because my daddy really didn't really care.
Your daddy helps you practice a sport.
My daddy has a lot of money,
but Mom and I still run short.
Your daddy helped you ride your bike.
When I fell,
my daddy said; "Toughen up. You'll be alright."
I wanted to be daddy's whole world.
But my daddy's focused on this other girl.
It's no fun here, maybe leaving was smarter.
I just want that women to know,
No one will ever love that man like his daughter.
Letting Go:
First, I want you to know that I love you,
and I know that you love me too.
I know there's a reason God put us together,
it just wasn't meant to be forever.
I'm fastened to this town.
Let me go,
so you can leave the ground.
I never meant to hurt you.
I never meant to cause you pain.
You have the biggest dreams,
and I'm only in the way...
Five years will go by fast,
and you'll be ready to go at last.
I'm doing this now, so it won't hurt then.
I'm sorry you'll have to go through this again.
But when you have everything you've ever wanted,
on down the road;
It's because I love you enough to let you go.
So which do you like best, and why? Thank you! :)
Yes I wrote them by the way.
My husband and I have been married for 4 years. And he comes with 3 kids and so do I. My oldest do not live with me (he's 18yrs) and my 14 yr old and 9 yr old is in the home. My children are honor roll students, my daughter is in the avid program and is taking college courses in high school to be doctor when she grows up.
My husbands kids on the other hand has live with us for a year and honestly it has been pure hell. His kids calls CPS on a regular basis, his 16 yr old daughter is in a group home, and before that had been pregnant, had abortion and STD all in a 6 month period. They are always getting suspended, teachers call our home all the time and good grades to them is if they have D's instead of F's. And their mother (I do not even want to go there).
I have sacrificed a lot to be home with his kids. I left my job (because his oldest daughter cannot be left alone, she is very sexual), and at this point I am dependent on him. I pick all the kids up from school, drop them off at school, do homework, fix all meals, make schedules, clean, get his paperwork together for court, I do alot, all while trying to start my own online business.
My problem is my husband, he is constantly talking crap to me and about me. When he's mad he says some of the most hurtful things to me. And is always telling me to get out. But he knows I do not have anywhere to go. He gets mad over everything, and then once he's done treating you like some crap on the carpet, he has the nerve to ask for sex and if I don't give in the circle starts all over again.
Yesterday was my B-day and I know money is tight so I didn't ask for anything. But I made my own special dinner (my choice), but once he got paid he did not get me anything. Forget expensive, a card maybe? A nice poem from the heart...something? I didn't get a sock. But had this happened to him, oh my god I would be hearing it for an eternity. Oh and by the way he's going to take 100.00 dollars and go take some "him" time on Monday. I'm trying not to cry but I do not know what else to do.
I feel like I am a failure and have gotten myself in a hole that I cannot get out of. And then if a bad marriage wasn't enough, my oldest son attempted to commit suicide (by cutting his own throat) in April of this year. So he is doing better but all my kids want mom to be better.
Any suggestions would help....Thanks in advance.
Okay I wrote my mom a poem for her birthday. Do you think she'll like it? Be completely honest. If you think I should add something to it of take something out of it just tell me. Thanks for the help guys!
Mothers and daughters
always there
to love and to care
even though we may not show it
we both want each other to know it
when one is down
and is showing a frown
we lift her up
even though we may tear and cut
we love each other and that's all that matters
there might be a scar from all the shatters
but I am flattered
to have the mom
I have today with me
if I didn't
I wouldnt be who God made me
No matter what we do or say
We will love each other in our very special ways
as long as we're together we'll make it through
I just wanted to say
I really don't know what to do anymore.....I'm so tired of this. My parents are divorced and I have to spend like a month with my dad at his house and everyone hates me here . . . I just sit on my laptop and cry because they just yell at me and their dog chewed up my shoe when his stupid girlfriend toldd me to put it on the stairs so then the dog got it....and my dad got mad at ME for putting it on the stairs and of course i can't say anything i just sit there. and yes i do mean shoe because i have a broken leg and that was my only sneaker...and after blaming it on me, they offered to buy me another one but said i have to go with them to the mall. Um, they don't understand how much it hurts for me to hobble around the mall and how slow I am and I don't even have a shoe to go out there so i just said no and my dad started screaming at me and i just cried and he left so now i'm just in this big dark house crying all alone...and i would have my sisters to comfort me but they dont come here anymore. And I realize I could just stop coming but to be his only daughter that visits, i don't know why but I can't do it. and even at my mom's things are bad....I can't trust my step dad he loses his temper and....ya..and then he lies about it...Everyone around me are just liars. I can't trust anyone... I just I don't know how I'm going to make it anymore...I've written death poems, started a diary--just nothing helps me...I can't see a therapist I hate them...just can anyone just....i don't know..
If I run away my mom will put me in juvie.....and I just.....It's so hard for me to just...leave. I can't..I can stand up for my self but I can't just.....
it was my tenth birthday and i was so excited. all of a sudden the phone rang, it was my Papa telling my Mom that Grandma had died. when i heard the news my heart felt like it was going to stop at that very moment. this has made a very big change in my life. now i can't visit her house on Saturdays. i can't call her and tell her how my day was.and she also missed my tenth birthday. this means no more baking cookies with her. but every night when i pray i can tell her goodnight. i will always have the feeling that she is watching over me. i feel kind of happy because i know her suffering has ended. the most important thing is that i know when i go to Heaven she will be waiting for me with open arms
Poem 1:
You said you really loved me
You said you really cared
So why am I sitting here
Crying because youa��re dead?
Why did you have to do it?
Why did you drink and drive?
If you would have been more responsible
Youa��d still be alive
I thought youa��d never leave me
I thought it would be the same
I thought you loved life
But it seems it was only a game
So now Ia��m sitting here wondering
How it would really be
If I could change everything
And youa��d come back to me
I loved you with all my heart
You were my pride and joy
You took my soul away
When you couldna��t come back anymore
Ia��m sitting at your grave
Reminiscing on all of our days
Imagining what wea��d have
If you had only stayed
Now Ia��m all alone
I no longer have you
My life is so miserable
And no one has a clue
The halls at school seem empty
My world comes crashing down
Whenever I hear about you
All over the news and town
I know Ia��ll never forget you
Ia��ll try to forgive you too
But next time I try this
Ia��ll stop and think of you
How funny you are and clever
And wise and smart too
And then Ia��ll decide no
Because Ia��m loved like you
I dona��t want to hurt anyone
I dona��t want to die alone
I sit and say this now
As you fly away to home
dona��t forget about us
Mom and dad and me
Because we loved you dearly
And the family is now incomplete
I hope you liked this poem
Its laying by your grave
And Ia��ll tell everyone of this
And hope they will be brave
Poem 2: Bag Lady
I watch the lady cross the street
She's carrying a bag of meat
With blisters on the bottom of her feet
She looks real mean, I can't pretend
I go to give her a helping hand
Because I am trying to be a friend
She looks at me and turns away
She says she has had a long day
And from the outside world she plans to stray
I'm going home to where I belong
And I will keep my head up and be strong
And I listen to her play her life's song
She walks off and I leave her be
I take into consideration what she told me
I thought when I was grown I would be free
But seeing the lady made me feel bad
She seemed so lonely and so sad
I could not imagine what made her so mad
Maybe she was discovered by a distant lover
Or belittled by someone who felt they were above her
She doesn't deserve to be hurt by another
No one deserves to be treated like that
Made feel small like the tiniest gnat
Or a little brown coat lying flat
Trampled by feet and covered in mud
People should not have veins filled with cold blood
But filled with blood overflowed like water after a flood
I sit and think of what she meant by home
Was it a place she could freely roam
Was this the woman I wanted to become
I do not want to be treated like that, ever
Ser tratado como que puedo odiar
This woman, broken and bent she will be forever
I wish that there was something I could do
Give her a hint or some kind of clue
Because her heart is poisoned from the ink from her tattoo
Pero quizas esto era una leccion aprendida
Visitar quizas el gran arriba
Porque el es mi quia en la osuridad
Through the light when I can see
He still is the one who guides me
To be the best that I can be
The bag lady is now long gone
Maybe she was a dream, I think with a yawn
Maybe this will be over by the break of dawn
Poem 3: Black Soul
Alone in a corner, alone in a chair
Staring at the walls, black and bare
I soak them in, I have nothing to lose
My life is an alarm and I just hit snooze
The world, formally a spice rack
No white or gray, all is black
I want none of this, can I go back?
Ita��s a little too late, no time for that
Oh wait, a change of scenery
My family plot, at the cemetery
They burned a hole that started in my shoe sole
Burning me it fired its way to my aching soul
My soul is charred, my heart hot
Keep moving and it will stop
But never, no, Ia��m trapped inside
Never stop, Ia��ve been brushed and cast aside
Dark as black and black as coal
My soul has now become a black hole
Poem 4:Heartless
Joined in a world full of pain and hunger
A man and his family lie in an alley corner
Striving for food, a shelter, and water
Suffering from the loss of his youngest daughter
Who died a slow and sorrowful death
He watched as she breathed her last breath
His wife he knew endured internal pain
Her strength she must once more regain
To hold her family on her shoulder
They wanted to see her daughter grow older
Her husband looked at her and said
Like Kanye rhymed, How could you be so heartless?
She replied with a simple answer
She would not want me to suffer
You must learn it was her time to go
She was put on earth for us to know
She had fulfilled her life's duty
But God decided to take her home truly
So before you call me heartless
Take the time to know I'm blessed
God gave me a wonderful family
And I do not think of her emptily
I love her with all my heart
And even if its the end of time, we will never part
So how could you, shameful man, be so
To think that I would laugh at your afflictedness
My daughter from this horrible world is free
But she will always live inside of me
I must address your abruptness
Mr., How could you be so heartless?
Poem 5: My Life Without You
I walk around unknown
The doors open and they close
I let out a bitter moan
From all the trouble and the woes
To let out my fears I knew
Would cause some hardships and pain
I'm lost without a bitter clue
And stuck in the bitter rain
I'm without you, all alone
All because I waited too long
I want to hear the sweet soft tone
Your voice singing a slow sweet song
I gave you up and now my life is through
Without you here, my life is a dread
I almost had you not one time but two
-Somebody ought to examine my head
From Daughter .To Mom
I feel that if I run away you would care more
or if i die you would feel more
that if i change you will love me more but yet my changes
never make you standards
Im always wrong
Im always bad someones always better
You never cried you never laugh but yet you feel better
He makes you cry and say bad things about me and you go along with him .why choose him over me im your daughter
im your blood you should love me for who i am.
Instead of talk behind my back and think im
just that far away to not hear those taunting words
for they break my trust and now i don't even care
about you about him about anything ive lost my faith
and everything because that darkness that brainwash
he did to you can never be repaired
and our relationship with never go any farther my dear
im done with you forever im lost in the shadows finding my way out with out you by my side
just hanging on to whoever i ve came in contact
and i know they Harley care
SO now ill just wait and move on this ugly face
to start over and show You and later read this to you to hurt you
and tell you how you were never there
My GF's mom is an alcoholic. I'll refer to her mom as It. lol. It denies that she's an alcoholic all the time. It won't let her daughter be with me even though her daughter has said that she loves me and wants to be with me. I have done so much for it's daughter and I have helped it's daughter. It's problem is that it doesn't want anything good for its daughter. It admitted that its daughter is actually happy with me and it is extremely clear if you look at all the pics we've taken and the times we've had. My GF hates pics, but when she's with me she loves taking pics and she says she's more comfy with me than with anyone else, and she loves the way I make her feel with my poems and all the other stuff I do. My GF and I really love each other, but her mom, regardless of how obvious it is that her daughter is in love, won't let her be with me. It's like she doesn't want her daughter to do better than her. I have a very lucrative future ahead of me and her daughter does too, but we want to share our happiness with each other. What can i do to get an alcoholic to let me date her daughter?
hello! i really need a good poem for something im putting together for my friend. something about a deceased mother. my friend never got to know her mom bc her mom died when she was very young. now that my friend is a new mom, she is thinking more and more about her mom, so i thought of a cute idea for her but just need an awsome poem to go with it.here are some key points that im looking for that maybe is mentioned in a poem...
missing their mother more now that they are a mother
how she would have been as a mom to my friend
how she would be as a grandma
she wonders if they would all look alike-she only has one pic of her (bad condition too)
advice she would give her
or things missed out on by not having her
any of the stuff i just mentioned in a poem would be great. i cant seem to find anything that would work. or if you are good at writing poetry....maybe throw something together for me that i can use? i can write poetry but it doesnt just come naturally...it takes days for me to come up with anything decent lol.
oh and i know ive seen a poem like this once but cant find it now. it went something like....
i see you when i look at me
now that im grown, i wonder how you would be
would you ________
**idk what it said here but it went on for a bit about things moms would do with daughters...and then went into things with granddaughter
and then ended with something like...
when you look down on me, do you see you when you look at me?
but it also mentioned something about seeing herself in her daughter and granddaughter too but i just cant remember and i cant find the poem now. i wish i could bc i think that would be perfect
sooooo any help at all would be great
i will award the 10 pts to best answer!
thanks in advance C:
uh, yea tried that one already lol
i do believe i mentioned that ive searched with no luck
but thanks anyways
Hello. My daughter has been going through a tough time for a long time now. When she was young, she was VERY outgoing, got along with everyone. At school, she could do her work correctly, help the person next to her, and be having a conversation with someone else at the same time. She was always an excellent student, and extremely bright. Her fourth grade teachers told me that she could take the verbal portion of the SATs and pass with flying colors. I noticed a change in her around seventh grade. Her grades were all over the board, but mostly, A+'s or D's and F's. This was so unlike her. She spent all four years of high school with no friends and confined to her filthy bedroom. She never ever leaves her room. I can't remember the last time she went out on a Friday night. She says she reads all day, sometimes writes, sometimes draws pictures with charcoals. I've seen her work too so I can vouch for that. She's also gained roughly 100 pounds, she doesn't take showers regularly, and she never brings down clothes to wash. Her room is absolutely horrid. She has about 10 coffee cups rotting up there, you can't see the floor, cigarette butts overflowing in the ashtray. I don't know how she can live like this but she says it doesn't bother her! I really want to help her but she says there's nothing wrong.
She never even made an effort to apply to college her senior year. All she ever talked about was going away to college when she was younger and how she couldn't wait to. She had said ever since she was in elementary school that she wanted to be a human rights lawyer. And she could too. All the sudden she didn't care and ended up at community college. Come to find out, she dropped out halfway through second semester.
She had no remorse for lying to me for a month about dropping out either. She said that she's leaving this summer to go live somewhere else but she has no friends, no money, and no where to go!
I asked her what she's going to do and why she dropped out. It took her a week to calm down enough to talk to me (she says I'm not logical and she can't have a rational conversation with me! Whatever that means.) She said that she knew that she could get straight As and she didn't want to screw up community college so she dropped out? She said she wants to go back to school eventually and wipe out her first year grades, start over so she can get straight As. She wasn't even trying in school.
She stays up all night and sleeps until 3 in the afternoon.
I had to go into her room because I got too worried about her. I found her computer and looked through her history and her poems that were saved. The websites were all on how to take your own life and make it look accidental! Her poems and stories were very bizarre as well, but not suicidal. She had records of seeing things and hearing her name all the time?
I confronted her and she said that she can see spirits, and she always could. I think she is not well, mentally. I asked her if she'd like to see a therapist and she said "It's a scam. They've been marketing depression and anxiety in order to boost drug sales since the 80s. Self-esteem is an illusion." WHAT DO I DO WITH HER?! She clearly needs help and she's so damned cynical at only 19. She's an adult and I can't force her, but I'm seriously considering having her committed. But as a mom, I don't have the guts. I love her too much.
Can you PLEASE HELP ME HELP MY DAUGHTER! What is wrong with her? Please help me. I love her and she doesn't think she needs any help. I know that deep down she knows she does. She was so bubbly and now she's throwing all of her talent, her goals, her dreams, and her LIFE down the toilet!
Well, she grew up in a neighborhood with 4 girls her age that were best friends since birth. There were also about 8 boys her age. My daughter had always been a good foot taller and 30 pounds heavier than all of her peers and she took a lot of flack fot it. She's also always been just a bit different, never liked to follow trends, did her own thing, and always, always stuck up for herself. Her friends started being very cruel to her, as did the boys. She decided to end the friendship because they wouldn't treat her like a human being much less a friend. These girls became popular and rounded up groups of people to pick on her. She handled it SO well though, VERY maturely and very fair. She confronted everyone in the cafeteria before school one day and asked why no one was treating her like a human being. Ever since then, her ex-best friends have been nice to her, and treated her with respect. As did everyone else. I highly doubt that was traumatic enough to screw her up this badly.
Hello. My daughter has been going through a tough time for a long time now. When she was young, she was VERY outgoing, got along with everyone. At school, she could do her work correctly, help the person next to her, and be having a conversation with someone else at the same time. She was always an excellent student, and extremely bright. Her fourth grade teachers told me that she could take the verbal portion of the SATs and pass with flying colors. I noticed a change in her around seventh grade. Her grades were all over the board, but mostly, A+'s or D's and F's. This was so unlike her. She spent all four years of high school with no friends and confined to her filthy bedroom. She never ever leaves her room. I can't remember the last time she went out on a Friday night. She says she reads all day, sometimes writes, sometimes draws pictures with charcoals. I've seen her work too so I can vouch for that. She's also gained roughly 100 pounds, she doesn't take showers regularly, and she never brings down clothes to wash. Her room is absolutely horrid. She has about 10 coffee cups rotting up there, you can't see the floor, cigarette butts overflowing in the ashtray. I don't know how she can live like this but she says it doesn't bother her! I really want to help her but she says there's nothing wrong.
She never even made an effort to apply to college her senior year. All she ever talked about was going away to college when she was younger and how she couldn't wait to. She had said ever since she was in elementary school that she wanted to be a human rights lawyer. And she could too. All the sudden she didn't care and ended up at community college. Come to find out, she dropped out halfway through second semester.
She had no remorse for lying to me for a month about dropping out either. She said that she's leaving this summer to go live somewhere else but she has no friends, no money, and no where to go!
I asked her what she's going to do and why she dropped out. It took her a week to calm down enough to talk to me (she says I'm not logical and she can't have a rational conversation with me! Whatever that means.) She said that she knew that she could get straight As and she didn't want to screw up community college so she dropped out? She said she wants to go back to school eventually and wipe out her first year grades, start over so she can get straight As. She wasn't even trying in school.
She stays up all night and sleeps until 3 in the afternoon.
I had to go into her room because I got too worried about her. I found her computer and looked through her history and her poems that were saved. The websites were all on how to take your own life and make it look accidental! Her poems and stories were very bizarre as well, but not suicidal. She had records of seeing things and hearing her name all the time?
I confronted her and she said that she can see spirits, and she always could. I think she is not well, mentally. I asked her if she'd like to see a therapist and she said "It's a scam. They've been marketing depression and anxiety in order to boost drug sales since the 80s. Self-esteem is an illusion." WHAT DO I DO WITH HER?! She clearly needs help and she's so damned cynical at only 19. She's an adult and I can't force her, but I'm seriously considering having her committed. But as a mom, I don't have the guts. I love her too much.
Can you PLEASE HELP ME HELP MY DAUGHTER! What is wrong with her? Please help me. I love her and she doesn't think she needs any help. I know that deep down she knows she does. She was so bubbly and now she's throwing all of her talent, her goals, her dreams, and her LIFE down the toilet!
Hello. My daughter has been going through a tough time for a long time now. When she was young, she was VERY outgoing, got along with everyone. At school, she could do her work correctly, help the person next to her, and be having a conversation with someone else at the same time. She was always an excellent student, and extremely bright. Her fourth grade teachers told me that she could take the verbal portion of the SATs and pass with flying colors. I noticed a change in her around seventh grade. Her grades were all over the board, but mostly, A+'s or D's and F's. This was so unlike her. She spent all four years of high school with no friends and confined to her filthy bedroom. She never ever leaves her room. I can't remember the last time she went out on a Friday night. She says she reads all day, sometimes writes, sometimes draws pictures with charcoals. I've seen her work too so I can vouch for that. She's also gained roughly 100 pounds, she doesn't take showers regularly, and she never brings down clothes to wash. Her room is absolutely horrid. She has about 10 coffee cups rotting up there, you can't see the floor, cigarette butts overflowing in the ashtray. I don't know how she can live like this but she says it doesn't bother her! I really want to help her but she says there's nothing wrong.
She never even made an effort to apply to college her senior year. All she ever talked about was going away to college when she was younger and how she couldn't wait to. She had said ever since she was in elementary school that she wanted to be a human rights lawyer. And she could too. All the sudden she didn't care and ended up at community college. Come to find out, she dropped out halfway through second semester.
She had no remorse for lying to me for a month about dropping out either. She said that she's leaving this summer to go live somewhere else but she has no friends, no money, and no where to go!
I asked her what she's going to do and why she dropped out. It took her a week to calm down enough to talk to me (she says I'm not logical and she can't have a rational conversation with me! Whatever that means.) She said that she knew that she could get straight As and she didn't want to screw up community college so she dropped out? She said she wants to go back to school eventually and wipe out her first year grades, start over so she can get straight As. She wasn't even trying in school.
She stays up all night and sleeps until 3 in the afternoon.
I had to go into her room because I got too worried about her. I found her computer and looked through her history and her poems that were saved. The websites were all on how to take your own life and make it look accidental! Her poems and stories were very bizarre as well, but not suicidal. She had records of seeing things and hearing her name all the time?
I confronted her and she said that she can see spirits, and she always could. I think she is not well, mentally. I asked her if she'd like to see a therapist and she said "It's a scam. They've been marketing depression and anxiety in order to boost drug sales since the 80s. Self-esteem is an illusion." WHAT DO I DO WITH HER?! She clearly needs help and she's so damned cynical at only 19. She's an adult and I can't force her, but I'm seriously considering having her committed. But as a mom, I don't have the guts. I love her too much.
Can you PLEASE HELP ME HELP MY DAUGHTER! What is wrong with her? Please help me. I love her and she doesn't think she needs any help. I know that deep down she knows she does. She was so bubbly and now she's throwing all of her talent, her goals, her dreams, and her LIFE down the toilet!
Hello. My daughter has been going through a tough time for a long time now. When she was young, she was VERY outgoing, got along with everyone. At school, she could do her work correctly, help the person next to her, and be having a conversation with someone else at the same time. She was always an excellent student, and extremely bright. Her fourth grade teachers told me that she could take the verbal portion of the SATs and pass with flying colors. I noticed a change in her around seventh grade. Her grades were all over the board, but mostly, A+'s or D's and F's. This was so unlike her. She spent all four years of high school with no friends and confined to her filthy bedroom. She never ever leaves her room. I can't remember the last time she went out on a Friday night. She says she reads all day, sometimes writes, sometimes draws pictures with charcoals. I've seen her work too so I can vouch for that. She's also gained roughly 100 pounds, she doesn't take showers regularly, and she never brings down clothes to wash. Her room is absolutely horrid. She has about 10 coffee cups rotting up there, you can't see the floor, cigarette butts overflowing in the ashtray. I don't know how she can live like this but she says it doesn't bother her! I really want to help her but she says there's nothing wrong.
She never even made an effort to apply to college her senior year. All she ever talked about was going away to college when she was younger and how she couldn't wait to. She had said ever since she was in elementary school that she wanted to be a human rights lawyer. And she could too. All the sudden she didn't care and ended up at community college. Come to find out, she dropped out halfway through second semester.
She had no remorse for lying to me for a month about dropping out either. She said that she's leaving this summer to go live somewhere else but she has no friends, no money, and no where to go!
I asked her what she's going to do and why she dropped out. It took her a week to calm down enough to talk to me (she says I'm not logical and she can't have a rational conversation with me! Whatever that means.) She said that she knew that she could get straight As and she didn't want to screw up community college so she dropped out? She said she wants to go back to school eventually and wipe out her first year grades, start over so she can get straight As. She wasn't even trying in school.
She stays up all night and sleeps until 3 in the afternoon.
I had to go into her room because I got too worried about her. I found her computer and looked through her history and her poems that were saved. The websites were all on how to take your own life and make it look accidental! Her poems and stories were very bizarre as well, but not suicidal. She had records of seeing things and hearing her name all the time?
I confronted her and she said that she can see spirits, and she always could. I think she is not well, mentally. I asked her if she'd like to see a therapist and she said "It's a scam. They've been marketing depression and anxiety in order to boost drug sales since the 80s. Self-esteem is an illusion." WHAT DO I DO WITH HER?! She clearly needs help and she's so damned cynical at only 19. She's an adult and I can't force her, but I'm seriously considering having her committed. But as a mom, I don't have the guts. I love her too much.
Can you PLEASE HELP ME HELP MY DAUGHTER! What is wrong with her? Please help me. I love her and she doesn't think she needs any help. I know that deep down she knows she does. She was so bubbly and now she's throwing all of her talent, her goals, her dreams, and her LIFE down the toilet!
Hello. My daughter has been going through a tough time for a long time now. When she was young, she was VERY outgoing, got along with everyone. At school, she could do her work correctly, help the person next to her, and be having a conversation with someone else at the same time. She was always an excellent student, and extremely bright. Her fourth grade teachers told me that she could take the verbal portion of the SATs and pass with flying colors. I noticed a change in her around seventh grade. Her grades were all over the board, but mostly, A+'s or D's and F's. This was so unlike her. She spent all four years of high school with no friends and confined to her filthy bedroom. She never ever leaves her room. I can't remember the last time she went out on a Friday night. She says she reads all day, sometimes writes, sometimes draws pictures with charcoals. I've seen her work too so I can vouch for that. She's also gained roughly 100 pounds, she doesn't take showers regularly, and she never brings down clothes to wash. Her room is absolutely horrid. She has about 10 coffee cups rotting up there, you can't see the floor, cigarette butts overflowing in the ashtray. I don't know how she can live like this but she says it doesn't bother her! I really want to help her but she says there's nothing wrong.
She never even made an effort to apply to college her senior year. All she ever talked about was going away to college when she was younger and how she couldn't wait to. She had said ever since she was in elementary school that she wanted to be a human rights lawyer. And she could too. All the sudden she didn't care and ended up at community college. Come to find out, she dropped out halfway through second semester.
She had no remorse for lying to me for a month about dropping out either. She said that she's leaving this summer to go live somewhere else but she has no friends, no money, and no where to go!
I asked her what she's going to do and why she dropped out. It took her a week to calm down enough to talk to me (she says I'm not logical and she can't have a rational conversation with me! Whatever that means.) She said that she knew that she could get straight As and she didn't want to screw up community college so she dropped out? She said she wants to go back to school eventually and wipe out her first year grades, start over so she can get straight As. She wasn't even trying in school.
She stays up all night and sleeps until 3 in the afternoon.
I had to go into her room because I got too worried about her. I found her computer and looked through her history and her poems that were saved. The websites were all on how to take your own life and make it look accidental! Her poems and stories were very bizarre as well, but not suicidal. She had records of seeing things and hearing her name all the time?
I confronted her and she said that she can see spirits, and she always could. I think she is not well, mentally. I asked her if she'd like to see a therapist and she said "It's a scam. They've been marketing depression and anxiety in order to boost drug sales since the 80s. Self-esteem is an illusion." WHAT DO I DO WITH HER?! She clearly needs help and she's so damned cynical at only 19. She's an adult and I can't force her, but I'm seriously considering having her committed. But as a mom, I don't have the guts. I love her too much.
Can you PLEASE HELP ME HELP MY DAUGHTER! What is wrong with her? Please help me. I love her and she doesn't think she needs any help. I know that deep down she knows she does. She was so bubbly and now she's throwing all of her talent, her goals, her dreams, and her LIFE down the toilet!
She had a part-time job as a tutor, but that ended with school. I want to get a summer job, and I know I should force her to, but as a mom and seeing the pain she deals wih day-in and day-out that is the last thing I'm worried about right now.
I doubt I will actually give this to her. It's been over 6 months since I've written any poetry and I'm going to start again. I just wrote this so it's not my best and I'll work on it more, but I want to know what you think about it. I don't have a title for it yet.
I've come to realize how many people I've pushed and burnt.
I surround their emotions until they are hurt.
My words punch through them like a fiery ball of hell.
Shatter them to pieces and crack open their shell.
In my head I hear a�?Why must you go there?!a�?
I ignore the thoughts and let my victim sit in despair.
As a tear drops from her face, I die a little more inside.
I tell myself a�?Stop now!a�? but my actions never abide.
I'm blasting the music now to drain my mind.
It's hard thinking of how I can be so unkind.
Light up a cigarette; maybe even smoke a bowl.
I'll do anything to show my naked soul.
A person in pain, is one I wish to help.
I want to set them free, not be the one making them yelp.
I'm begging you mom, please call Leigh.
You remember your daughter, and that girl isn't me.
Your daughter was simple, special, and quiet.
Now you whisper one word and I cause a riot.
This girl lighting a joint isn't perfect.
The girl putting people down isn't worth it.
Note: "Leigh" is the name of my past therapist who helped me out a lot. My step dad cancelled our services with her, but the reason doesn't matter.
I am fourteen by the way.
im not asking if im a good writing or anything i just want you to tell me what you thnk of the idea and everything.. its a true story and its obviously about my dad.. i just wanted to let my feelings out you know?
busy streets, flashing lights, polluted air.
Just grocery shopping? Then why did mom looked so consumed in her thoughts on our way there?
I glanced away from my mother for a second and suddenly see where in a dark empty lot
Away from the city life, its quite but mostly calm, its nine on the dot.
I see a dark shadow aproach our car, i search for my mothers eyes in fright,
Couriosity is such a funny thing, gets the most of us, and it got my mom that night,
For the first time ever i met my dad, i never thought id ever see him
Why did my mom bring me here? i didnt want to meet him
I was 13 years old i didnt need him.
Remeber how you chose that bottle over my mother and brother?
Remember how you used to beat and cheat on my mother?
Its funny how you call yourself dad and you call me your daughter, but in my eyes your a stranger
how could my mom do this, she felt like such a trader.
I bet you never shed a tear over us. Did you ever want to make things right? Its too late now.
How could you sleep at night knowing you have two children you've never cared for how?
All those days we thought we wouldnt see the next day, all we could do was pray
while you had another bottle in your hand looking for another woman to betray
You dont deserve to be called dad, my moms been the one who has been a mom and a dad
i'll never shed a tear for you and nothing you can do can make me sad
Just remember "dad" im going to accomplish my dreams in life
and maybe one day you'll realize all the pain you caused my mom try, stabbing your heart with a knife
When i accomplish all the things i want to do in life my mom will be by my side like everyday
I can't say that about you, I dont know if you care but im not going to be someone else your going to betray.
I doubt I will actually give this to her. It's been over 6 months since I've written any poetry and I'm going to start again. I just wrote this so it's not my best and I'll work on it more, but I want to know what you think about it. I don't have a title for it yet.
I've come to realize how many people I've pushed and burnt.
I surround their emotions until they are hurt.
My words punch through them like a fiery hell.
Shatter them to pieces and crack open their shell.
In my head I hear a�?Why must you go there?!a�?
I ignore the thoughts and let my victim sit in despair.
As a tear drops from her face, I die a little more inside.
I tell myself a�?Stop now!a�? but my actions never abide.
I'm blasting the music now to drain my mind.
It's hard thinking of how I can be so unkind.
Light up a cigarette; maybe even smoke a bowl.
I'll do anything to show my naked soul.
A person in pain, is one I wish to help.
I want to set them free, not be the one making them yelp.
I'm begging you mom, please call Leigh.
You remember your daughter, and that girl isn't me.
Your daughter was simple, special, and quiet.
Now you whisper one word and I cause a riot.
This girl lighting a joint isn't perfect.
The girl putting people down isn't worth it.
Note: "Leigh" is the name of my past therapist who helped me out a lot. My step dad cancelled our services with her, but the reason doesn't matter.
I am fourteen by the way.
hey guys out there, am a female and ive went out with a man that i was with for almost 2 years and we had our first separation on nov of 08 till jan of this year, like i was so upset and depressed and mad like how i did him it was kinda my fault how we separated through the course of me and randy going out he was the one spending on me.
I never spent alot on him because my previous relationship i was feeling of being used and how much i gave him and for him to move to Virgina and like think him could like fool me and mess with this Fat chick who i look way better then like come on step your game up well anyways. Let me keep it short. I met Randy he's 21 yr old he looks like Bobby Valentino which is a singer and he's tall, buff, sexy, confident and just all around what i always needed.
And he came to my life i knew it was God sent because he came at the moment were i was alone and i didn't have anyone to talk to. He came in a heart beat we met through Quest line a chat line i know it stupid be we lived in the same area and he lived like 10 minutes away. I live in NYC so it's a small world he kinda knew my peeps but i didn't his peeps. But we clicked on so many levels like on poems,God, politics, so many things I had a poem that was about Butterflies and he had a similair one and i was blown because we said our poem at the same time and i was just shocked and he was going through alot before he met me he said the reason am on this chat line becuz i was going through something with an ex. and she is a lesbian and how she liked him but she wasn't bi she just liked him and they went for a year and telling me how he's like mad and how could she do this and he's like now she's a certified lesbo and i was like wow i never heard that.
Like a lesbian would go with a guy and they go back bein a lesbo it was quite crazy but i made sure he took his mind off of that and he did once we go to know each other i became nervous to meet it was blind date so i was omg so i got my hair done which super long and my nails and my outfit ready.
And the night when i saw him he looked like a scary person but once he took his fitted off and he had a nice blazer i was completely fine but still nervous becuz i had a man but i really didn't think it would go anywhere because he lives in VA and i felt like i was better than him because he just didn't have goals and like randy has goals in Business and i wanted to be an entrepreneur also and i was really happy how we connected in business also so i told him once we started talking i had a man but he doesn't call me anymore like how a boyfriend should a man should am 18 an am very mature i hang out with people older then me and i expect someone to be mature to he wasn't and i couldn't deal with then i found he was talking to some next chick and i was like it's over .
Then i spoke to randy we didn't automatically hook up when i first spoke to him i said im looking for a friend that's all i said he agreed and we was friends for 4 months. That night on january of 08 idk what day but like almost the end of the month, i told him in the taxi when we was going to the movies like "Listen if you have a baby mama drama and all this Jerry Springer mess please tell me" he looked out the window and told me he didn't face me he said i have a daughter and he's body language was like uncomfortable and i was like playing with the flow oh you do and like he looked at me and told me yeah she's lives in Georgia with her mom but i don't have any relation with the mom and i dont see her.
And then he said am joking and i was oh but like WTF at the same time, so i kept it in the closet until am ready to pull the skeleton out he reveal to me then i went to the movies i felt bad because prior to him i was with The VA boy and was still with him when i met randy and then like when we went inside i felt bad like am cheating so we so the movie Untraceable and in 5 minutes i said take me home because i can't do this he said sure so i think he kinda felt nervous to. So after he took me home he got of the taxi car went over to escort to my building and gave a kiss on my cheek which is something i hate and don't do on first dates and i was like don't kiss me ever again i wasn't attracted to at all at first not until like 4 months later which was on March 08 and we started going out once i broke up with my VA ex. And then like it was weird and cool because i didn't feel like his girl at first and i still really wasnt sure if it was right, and he gave me compliments always buy stuff and one day when he was buying something he said " i never bought any girl anything before in my life" i was like damn omg but i kinda felt special but still was questioned why.
And i was very sometimes cold hearted to him like i was a
I picked this poem because I liked the word of ballad. Since ballad is a music of calmness. I thought this would be quiteness, but sentimental poem. It ws the easiest poem what I read among 5 poems, and this is a symbolic poem which based on real event. (I read the brief introuduction of this poem). Since it's based on real event, the poem touches me more impressive other than poems. "O, here's the shoe my baby wore/but, baby, where are you" in the last line made me touching. Mom went oustide and find daughter's shoe. This shows the heartbreaking feeling of a loss of a daughter and see the agony in mother's shouting. The author's purpose of putting this line was that the daughter's innocent death was not justifiable.
i know some of you wont read this cuz its long but you should cuz i thought it was reallly cute!! and trust me its not that long when you get into it
Daddy's poem
Her hair was up in a pony tail, her favorite dress tied with a bow.
Today was Daddy's Day at school, and she couldn't wait to go.
But her mommy tried to tell her, that she probably should stay home.
Why the kids might not understand, if she went to school alone.
But she was not afraid; she knew just what to say.
What to tell her classmates of why he wasn't there today.
But still her mother worried, for her to face this day alone.
And that was why once again, she tried to keep her daughter home.
But the little girl went to school, eager to tell them all.
About a dad she never sees, a dad who never calls.
There were daddies along the wall in back, for everyone to meet.
Children were squirming impatiently, anxious in their seats.
One by one the teacher called, a student from the class, to introduce their daddy.
As seconds slowly passed, at last the teacher called her name,
every child turned to stare. Each of them was searching,
for a man who wasn't there. "Where's her daddy at?"
she heard a boy call out. "She probably doesn't have one,"
another student dared to shout. And from somewhere near the back,
she heard a daddy say, "Looks like another deadbeat dad,
too busy to waste his day. "The words did not offend her,
as she smiled up at her Mom. And looked back at her teacher,
who told her to go on. And with hands behind her back, slowly she began to speak.
And out from the mouth of a child, came words incredibly unique.
"My Daddy couldn't be here, because he lives so far away.
But I know he wishes he could be, since this is such a special day.
And though you cannot meet him, I wanted you to know.
All about my daddy, and how much he loves me so. He loved to tell me stories
he taught me to ride my bike. He surprised me with pink roses, and taught me to fly a kite.
We used to share fudge sundaes, and ice cream in a cone. And though you cannot see him,
I'm not standing here alone. "Cause my daddy's always with me, even though we are apart.
I know because he told me, he'll forever be in my heart. " With that, her little hand reached up,
and lay across her chest. Feeling her own heartbeat, beneath her favorite dress.
And from somewhere in the crowd of dads, her mother stood in tears. Proudly watching
her daughter, who was wise beyond her years. For she stood up for the love
of a man not in her life. Doing what was best for her, doing what was right.
And when she dropped her hand back down, staring straight into the crowd,
she finished with a voice so soft, but its message clear and loud. "I love my daddy very much,
he's my shining star. And if he could, he'd be here, but heaven's just too far!
You see he was a fireman and died just this past year
when airplanes hit the towers and taught Americans to fear.
"But sometimes when I close my eyes, it's like he never went away."
And then she closed her eyes, and saw him there that day. And to her mother's amazement,
she witnessed with surprise, a room full of daddies and children,
all starting to close their eyes. Who knows what they saw before them, who knows what they felt inside.
Perhaps for merely a second, they saw him at her side. "I know you're with me Daddy,"
to the silence she called out. And what happened next made believers, of those once filled with doubt.
Not one in that room could explain it, for each of their eyes had been closed.
But there on the desk beside her, was a fragrant long-stemmed pink rose.
And a child was blessed, if only for a moment, by the love of her shining bright star.
And given the gift of believing, that heaven is never too far.
They say it takes a minute to find a special
person, an hour to appreciate them,
a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them..
I am looking for a Poem for My Daughter Laurel's first birthday this December. I am not good at these things so I would love some help. I am thinking of having a fairy party. Anyway her name is Laurel Theresa and she will be one. She has Brown Hair and Blue eyes even though I have Green and her Daddy has Brown! Though she does have her dad's ears and mom's dimples! Thank you so much for your help!
So I told her before mothers day I wasn't going to be able to get her anything because I don't have the money. Today I called her and read her a poem I wrote for her. Then she said well couldn't you atleast send me a card. I told her mom I have like 30 cents until I get paid--Then she said well tell me what your gonna get me..I told her I'm not telling you, you will see--she made hints about a pretty expensive perfume she wants. Then later on in the conversation she said all her friends were talking about what their children sent them for mothers day and she had to say she got nothing. I told her you didnt get nothing, why not just say your daughter said your gift is going to be a little late. Then she gets mad and said if you want me to treat you like an adult you better act like it. I said how do I not act like an adult an adult because I don't have the money right now and I'm getting you something late? She says thats like getting christmas presents in february. So I said well do you not want it all? And she gets mad and says I didn't say that, you better get me something.
She just makes me so mad and now I feel obligated to get her something I really don't have the money for even when I get paid. My husband says I shouldn't even get her anything because of the way she acts. What should I do? Am I wrong or is she?
What are seasons but children's soft dreams, and
Sunrise, their opening eyes?
Seeing at a glance
The days and years open...waiting,
Fringed with softness, or
Laced with abandon...
Like playing dress-up in the attic
With Aunt Dorothy's hat and gloves...
Not remembering the season
She died in childbirth...
And yet,
Ready to hear the story and pass it
Beyond their years...
To other ages.
Like playing with 'Bunny' in a toy crib,
Feeding her, patting, hugging...
Not yet realizing it is their son or
Daughter's crib...in a Time they already
Know of...deep inside.
Dreaming in waking.
In reality.
In dreams.
Dress-up and Bunny...hazy remembered
Pieces and bits...
Of kindness, hardness.
Cruelty, sympathy.
Known before, after...beyond.
What are seasons but children's soft dreams...
And sunrise, their opening eyes?
Seeing at a glance...
The days.
The moments.
It is gorgeous on the bayou today. Sparklings everywhere, people celebrating in each their unique way...fishing, sunning, boating up and down...wish I could join them.
I'm enjoying the fun abandonment of these marvelous 'bayou' people...it seems that once they're in a boat, they feel a freedom that you and I don't...you should see the fun they're having today!
And about an hour ago, I found out I'll be here tonight too...wow...24 hours.
At least I have this laptop to keep track of the outside world today!!!
okay so i want to give my mom a poem for mothers day and i dont know if this sounds stupid? please give me your honest advice! and posibly some pointers if you can...
Mom, you are truly irreplaceable.
I never doubted Gods love, because he sent an angel to raise me!
When i was little the one person i looked up to, was you,
You are the person i would strive to be,
I could count on you being there for me through and through,
And i wanted you to be able to count on me.
A lot has changed since i was little; my friends, my height, even my hair,
But the bond we share as mother and daughter will forever be there.
I edited it a little more! what do you think!
Mom, you are truly irreplaceable.
I never doubted Gods love, because he sent an angel to raise me!
When i was little the one person i looked up to, was you,
You are the person i would strive to be,
I could count on you being there for me through and through,
And i wanted you to be able to count on me.
Life happens and things change, however i know i wont fall apart
Because bond we share as mother and daughter will forever be in my heart!
Happy Mothers Day
im only 13 so don't be 2 harsh:
one day a year's not enough
for a mother like you that's oh so tough
all day you cook, clean, wash, and drive
the perfect mom, sister, daughter, and wive
i know i can be spoiled
as well as a brat
at this time, today
i apologize you had to put up with that
sometimes you can be uptight
especially in this recession
but remember to me
your always one in a billion
you raise me up when i am down
do whatever it takes to wash away my frown
when you see my sad face, you make me smile
it's just part of your generous lifestyle
mom to me, your love means oh so much
with your precious smile and glowing touch
you constantly guide me and tell me how to live
no matter what
you always give and give
this is all i have so far...please remember its just a rough draft....tell me wat u think so far and how i can improve it or what i can add to it
o and please answer my other question too please!
o and please answer my other question too please!
dont answer this unless you read the whole thing and you are willing to give a sufficient answer.... thank you. I do not use names, i will protect the people from critisim.
Ok so me and my boyfriend broke up like in early march, but my family dosent know that, they think we broke up in feb (before valentines day) but the truth is that we had a velentine banquet at my church, and he started hanging out with me, and being like super nice, compared to when we 1st broke up, we didnt even talk. So later that nite he ends up comming over to me and takes my hand in his and says
Him:" im so sorry for everything ive done, i never wanted to breakup in the 1st place, i realy still do love you, and i wish i had never done those things to hurt you, do you still wana go out?
Me:"yes, but r parents will never let us
Him: Well we can go out in secret, no one will know just you and me, and when your parents say we can go back out again we will, and then every thing will be back to normal. look i lost you many times and i dont wana loose you again. i love you babe.
So i was stunned/happy/scared that someone would find out, and then i relized i couldnt be to friendly with him in the open around people... to me this would be hard... almost to hard.But i figured maybe this could work...
a couple days passed by and i had a tennis match comming up, so he called one saturday morning to ask if i wanted to go practice before the match on monday, i said sure, i was happy he had called i was starting to doubt his plan at 1st, but maybe it would work.
so we went out to steele highschool and played some rounds of tennis. My mom picked us up, and started driving to some doughnut place. Then when we got in the car
He said this to my mom:
you know, i really love your daughter, i still wana be with her, and i wish we had never broke up and i think i made a big mistake... what can i posibly do, to let you and her dad let me go out with her again?
Mom: well i will not let you 2 get back together untill a month goes by, because you and my daughter have been off and on lately, you 2 have caused lots of drama, and personaly i think you both have a lot of finding yourselfs and what you want in the world thinking about.
Him: so it will just take time then?
mom: yes.and the things that you guys need to change in your relationship, to make things work, so you guys can be open.
me: quiet
he grabs my hand and holds it the rest of the way to shipleys dounut shop. (in my head my brain is on over drive im full of thoughts and emotions)
when we get to shipleys we have a long drawn out coversation with my mom about our relationship and how we need to change it. alot was said and i think all of it was honest, we got alot acomplished, and i started thinking, that he finally grasped the point and maybe we'd be back together(4real) in a month. When we droped him off at the house he gave me a small kiss on the lips and said ill wait for you. so i left thinking that we had finally gotten trew to him.
Then 2 weeks later i herd a rummor that he and one of my kind of ex friends were going out...
you could imagine what i wanted to say/do to him. i was furirious... how could he do that to me!?!
Now he is broken up with her (she broke up with him) and he is now hanging out with this girl that hes known his whole life (they were in cribs together... awwww cute NOT, yes i am mad/jealous) his parents refuse to let him go out with anyone but me, but they are also blind to him and his other girl relationships... it sooo stupid! IT makes me wana tare his eyes out and egg his house! they make me soo mad!
i do still love him and do still care for him... but in a way i know i shouldnt, but i look back on how long we were together (about 1 yr/11months) the money he spent on me (the ring he bought me), and the time, and love, and words we shared, and i cant help but think... why would you spend all your time/money/and love on someone you dont really love? i just dont get it?
These are word4word, poems and love notes that he wrote for me (yes i still have them):
TITLE: brokenhearted
tonite is the nite of dec 29-09. i am writing this so the person i love will know ii truley love them more than anything in the world. this beautiful, wonderful, and lovely girls name is ----- ------, whom i hope will oneday take my last name.
baby i know we just had our 1st big fight tonight. she said that she needed some time to think and make sure this is what she wants, which to me sounds as if she dosent want me anymore, the words are the ones that have me broken hearted tonight. Baby i know i treated you horribly, im soo sorry, i dont know what is wrong with me. What gets me is that you still pu up with me. I didnt relize how much you loved me untill tonight. we have this amazing connection torwards one another, you are my other half. when you said you needed to make sure that this is what you wanted i got scared that you were going to leave
umm okay that wasnt all of the note.... so if you want that (the most important part then e-mail me) @ samigotslapi@yahoo.com
me, please dont. ive been throwing a great thing away meaning me & u together. ive been screwing up really bad, im sorry. i really do <3 u more than anything baby, i really do, please dont leave me. ive been needing to say this but i didnt know the right time, i hope this is it; I want to spend the rest of my life with u, please dont let it freak u out, i understand if u leave me it'll hurt, alot, but im telling u, promissing u, i will change, have changed, and i really need u to be mine. please baby i <3 you. i dont want to see you go, i <3 u more than you will ever know. i know that im not the best boyfriend, or hot guy, or knockout dropout that you deserve, i <3 you though, so please this is what my heart told me to say u hold the key to my heart, and my heart in your hand, its already broken, please dont crush it. I <3 you ---. With all the love i posess, <3 -----
so thats the rest of the note...
there are several others, and if its not enough tell me or email me. its not edited!
As you may know, mothers day is this sunday. My mom and I have an extremely close mother-daughter relationship. I'm 16 and I'm not sure what to do for her. She really doesn't want me to buy anything, so what should i make her that she will absolutely love? I've written her a few poems in the past, and I'm not wanting to do that. Any suggestions on what to make her? Thanks (:
I thought I improved so much over the year gap that I wrote these two, then my mom said she liked the first one way better and my ego died a little :(. Please tell me which poem you like better, and I won't tell you which was first and which was last. Thank you :)
Version One
A legend of lake Coeur surrounds the town;
of a lonely missing girl, who never was found.
On quiet and gloomy nights there lies
the spirit of the girl, who screams helpless cries.
From the center of the lake, where her spirit can't rest,
and can never do so, ever unless;
someone understands her, because no one ever did.
When alive she was alone, an invisible kid.
She was 16 when she vanished, before everyone's eyes,
just moved to this street, my parents and I.
As I hear the tale, glance at the lake smooth as glass,
and for a split second there's a subtle yet noticable splash.
After our neighbour departs, as we tour our new home,
there is a distinct feeling that I am not alone.
Feeling I'm being watched from far far away,
then through the corner of my eye I see it; someone in the bay.
Jerk my head to look, but there is nothing but lake.
Smooth and untouched, yet it feels awake.
Invisible orbs of life vibrating from the surface,
no sign of sight from my parents, not seeming to notice.
Shake it off and go to explore my new room all alone
which will no doubt be my hideout, just like back home.
Don't relate well to others, I'm in my own league,
then i collapse on my bed with a sudden wave of fatigue.
Slipping into darkness, into a beautiful dream
or a girl, in a lake, unnoticed and unseen.
She tells me to follow, I step into the water,
parents won't notice, i'm the transparent daughter.
I awake with a cold sensation on my feet,
glance up, and a mysterious girls eyes I meet.
I stand there confused, and can't seem to get
why in my brand new wam bed, my legs are all wet.
Then I realize, it's no dream, I am fully awake,
this girls' haunting blue eyes, even glassier than the lake.
Examining her face, I gasp in surprise.
It's my face, and in her expression there lies
sorrow, desperation, I reach out to help,
but she just glares at me with those eyes of myself.
I take her hand, and feel her wet slimy skin,
then she dives down and reveals shimmery red fins
where her legs should be, then she's gone into the dark.
Want to help her, help me, but we're too far apart.
No one listened, now she's doomed to forever swim
in the lake, herself, her worries within.
I still see her at night, hear her wounded cries.
She just stares with those heartbroken, furious eyes.
I try to avoid her haunting gaze,
but there's no escaping, ever, for the rest of my days.
An invisible, ignored, tourmented girl
now trapped forever, in the depths of lake Coeur.
Version 2
A glass covered lake;
its inner sun setting,
is bordered chorographically
by silhouetted trees.
A mild interruption
of sunset quivering in ripples --
disturbes the silence
the lake never had.
What here has twitched,
beneath this lifeless lake?
The lonesome water,
that is a home to nothing.
A red strand of hair,
left in her place,
floating upon the fire
which will not belong.
Who roams these depths
these everlasting nights?
She with no home,
but solitary suffocation.
Her rare, yielding gaze,
avoided and dreaded
until the flames gliding the surface
die down as she wills them.
ahah why are you sorry? I didn't say which I wrote first :P
Friday, October 30, 2009
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