Friday, October 30, 2009

daughter to father poems quotes

1975: When not beheading plastic German toy soldiers with a shovel (in order to create a headless Nazi zombie army), I imagine myself a soldier in a�?The Good War,a�? but without the ironic quotes. My father, who spent the Korean War in a ...htmlgraduation quotes & graduation poems: graduation poempoems in every nook dad, dad poems, father poems, father son poems, father daughter poems,. www. joys of motherhood. ...Love perceives the unique and incalculable value of each of the Father's children. We see clearly that if there is no God, these souls have no Father, these images, no model, these sparks no originating fire, these sunbeams no sun. Thus love perceives both .... Some posts are original but many are quotes from books, poems, and here and there, a song. As much as I possibly can, I try to provide accurate information on the author of the prose or poetry that is not original. ...daughter poem - daughter poems, daughter verses, daughter quotes wedding poems, daughter verses daughters like you. are precious and few daughter father poems, poems about daughter, daughter in law poems, birthday poems, . epoch to adjacent to pirouette as a guide these fathers degree as a guide day / you're one's nearest, poems convey *despite a as a guide father's as a guide feelings funny from supreme day date, a over being singing poems, quotes ...I got permission from GlimpseofHK to put them on here, hope you enjoy. "Heaven" No more death, No more night, No more pain. There will be no strife. And we will be there, in a blink of an eye. With my Father, It will be all right. I'll be there. And that's a fact. .... Let Us Weep for the Lost! - I read one of the most convicting quotes from Charles H. Spurgeon this evening and felt compelled to post it and comment on it. Here's the quote: "*If sinn... 1 week ago ...... Mothers day Poems from Daughters a?�, a?� 2006-08-17 a?�, a?� Lights a?�, a?� Shackles a?�, a?� Second a?�, a?� Survey a?�, a?� Xxvii a?�, a?� Poem We Are baby We Are Daughters We Are Sisters Of The Sun a?�, a?� Poems quotes Mothers Daughters a?� ...At the end of the episode, in what is supposed to be a tender father/daughter moment, Emily laments the death of the DA and the fact that her young classmate's only living parent will now spend the rest of his life in jail a�� all .... In this 21-page collection of poems, which was passed on to me by ALL president, Judie Brown, Brock writes from the perspective of the child in the womb. While this approach has been taken before, I've never seen it done in such a way. ...He's better known for his comedic plays and witty quotes than for his poems. This poem has the joyful line; 'we draw the spring into our hearts and feel that life is good'. Read the full poem. .... They married against her father's wishes and eloped to Italy. It doesn't get any more romantic than that. The opening lines to this poem are often quoted; 'how do I love thee, let me count the ways'. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. ...
Shooting Kinesha

a�?I hate what I come from,a�? says my cousin Shoshana,
22, jawing per always, feather earrings tangling
in her light brown hair. Shoshana hangs on to Kinesha,
her kid, to stop her running off. Our cousin Deba��s
wedding just got out; wea��re standing at the bottom
of the wedding hall steps. a�?White people
dona��t have culture, except what they stole
from our African brothers.a�? Shoshanaa��s
wearing black, per always, me too, her in leather,
me in acetate-velour. a�?Weddings, U-G-H.a�?
Shoshana spells out ugh like ita��s spelled
in books. a�?I hope yours was cooler than this.a�?
I nod. I always nod at Shoshana, whatever she says.
Shoshana checks, rechecks her watch, watching
for her boyfriend. Ia��m waiting for my husband too.
Ia��ve been a pain in the ass to him all morning.
Shoshana sips cheap California champagne
to hide her upset feelings. Kinesha breaks loose,
veers close to the street and parked cars and traffic,
thrashes her lace anklets and buckle shoes
into a crowd of part-white pigeons.

a�?In London I only hung out with Jamaicans,a�?
Shoshana says. a�?People gave me looks on the bus.
Ouch.a�? She detangles an earring. a�?Once I ripped
an earlobe on these. Anyway, I want you to meet
my boyfriend. Hea��s cool, hea��s sticking by me.
He says he knew he could when I wouldna��t
dime him out after they caught me with his pot
in the Kingston airport. Kineshaa��s his. Hea��s
the only guy Ia��ve loved since, you know, Ken?a�?
Kena��s the one who died beside her
of an overdose in the Motel 6 in Ohio
the time she was 16 and stole her dada��s Beamer
to run away. a�?You heard?a�? Of course I did,
in this family. a�?Kineshaa��s Kinesha
to remember him,a�? she says. a�?I still miss him.a�?
I nod. I poke Kineshaa��s belly, her nose.
a�?U-G-H,a�? says Kinesha, annoyed. Ia��m bad with kids.
a�?Ia��m teaching her to assert herself,a�? Shoshana says.
Her wrist-chains jangle. I twist my wedding ring.
An organ somewhere plays a�?Ode to Joy.a�?

Here comes the third bad cousin, Christina,
scruff-haired in the pale-pink prom dress
the bride her sister made her wear. $90,000
per year doing something with websites and she
cana��t even keep her hair in order. a�?Isna��t it awful?a�?
Christina says, a�?What do I look like, Gwyneth Paltrow?
You guys look swell.a�? Shea��s good with kids:
Kinesha slams herself for a hug into Christinaa��s
legs. Christina and Kinesha kiss. She says
a�?Did you like my PowerPoint presentation
on the bridea��s life? Did you think it was funny?
Go play with the pigeons.a�? She puts Kinesha down.
a�?Deb wanted a poem, but dona��t you hate poems?
Was it wrong of me to start with an Eminem quote?a�?
Kinesha shouts, staggers, stamps at the pigeons;
jaded, they hardly move, only jump-start
halfhearted when Kinesha brandishes
her one-armed naked Barbie above her head,
then turns Barbie into a gun, shoots
at the pigeons. a�?I feel like we should be
sneaking around back with cigarettes
like we used to, remember?a�? says Christina.
a�?Too bad we dona��t smoke anymore.a�?

Shoshana takes out her Newports, lights up.
Ia��m remembering we never much liked each other,
only hung together at family gatherings
because we were supposed to be the bad ones.
I hate what I come from. I say a�?My father
just told me again my poems are a�?too full
of disgusting sex.a�� He said a�?Why dona��t you
write more like Derek Walcott?a�� Ia��m sick
of him throwing deep-thinking
genius men up at me.a�? Christina rolls
her eyes, shakes her head, fudges hair tendrils
back into her frizzy twisted updo, vibrates
her lips, blows air out. a�?Can you tell Ia��m
drunk already?a�? she asks. I nod. She shrugs.
a�?Well, why not, Deb didna��t invite single guysa�?
for me like I asked her. Selfish as always.a�?

Shoshana checks her watch. a�?Ia��m gonna kill him.a�?
I wish I wanted to kill my husband.
Right now, I hate everything, everybody,
and dona��t have a friend in the world
except my husband. Ita��s true he dislikes me
more and more these days but at least
he likes my poems and hates Derek Walcott.
Kinesha sprays Barbie bullets at everything,
Barbiea��s head as bald as her elided crotch.
a�?I didna��t buy her that racist, sexist doll,a�?
says Shoshana. Christina and I nod.
a�?She found my old one. I pulled
all her hair out when I was 14
and shaved my head the first time.a�?
Kinesha moves away from the settling pigeons,
turns her Barbie gun on us, shoots.
Rat-a-tat-tat. a�?Ugh, you got me,a�?
we say, and a�?BANG!a�? I say. We turn
our hands into guns, three bad cousins,
Mother, Bridesmaid, Wife-and-Daughter,
for all our different reasons, shooting the child.

I need a quote for a photo of a father and his little girl. Only their feet are shown in the photo. It can also be a poem, but it will need to be a short one. Something sweet, meaningful...not goofy.

In my sisters class they have to compare an event with this quote, "You don't know what you got till it's gone". We had a cousin and my little sister didn't enjoy her and said she was so bossy so she would never olay with her, our cousin died because of cancer at the age of 7 in 2008. My sister now says she kind of wish she was nicer and wish now that she played with her more and put up with her being bossy. The next part of this is she needs to draw something or write a poem or story or something like that, she is a great little singer and she would like to sing a song about it.

Do you know a song about a girl with cancer

so far we got Braid my hair
but that is more father daughter.
Well thanks for some ideas were still thinking but she is listening to the songs you guys suggest right now
we got a few ideas
We think we got one, streets of heaven. Tell me if that fits or if got something else

Ok, i heard this song on the radio this morning. Its a song that has a dad saying/singing his famous quotes to his son/daughter. Things like:

Were you raised in a barn
Turn down the music
Get your feet of the furniture
Does money grow on trees

Its really cute and i want to play it in church tomorrow if i can...thanks
Also has things like, get a haircut, and because i said so...

I don't have a lot of money. I was thinking along the lines of a card. If you have any father/daughter quotes or poems or lyrics that's great. Or if you just have a good present your dad liked.

It's my husband's first father's day. Where can I find a nice poem/quote to put on his gift? It's a copy of his and my daughter's hand prints.

I am making a wedding album / scrapbook for myself & parents. I am in need of some Quotes or short poems about

1) Mothers & sons
2) Fathers & daughters
3)husbands & wifes
4)wedding day in general

to go nest to pictures & on pages for itself. Im having a very ahrd time finding some. Any one have any goods they used or have heard along the way! please send them to me...I have None right now...anything could help me...thanks so much


After narrating this affair in detail, Abu Muhammad Abdullah Bin Qutayba says that Ali did not swear allegiance and returned home. Later Abu Bakr and Umar went to Fatima's house to placate her and to seek her pardon. She said: "Allah be my witness that you two have offended me. In every prayer I curse you and will continue cursing you until I see my father and complain against you."

(7) Ahmad Bin Abdu'l-Aziz is one of your ulema. Ibn Abi'l-Hadid writes about him in the following words: "He was a man of learning, a traditionist, a great literary figure." He writes in his Kitab-e-Saqifa and Ibn Abi'l-Hadid Mu'tazali also quotes from him in his Sharhe Nahju'l-Balagha, Volume I, page 9, on the authority of Abi'l-Aswad, who said: "A group of the companions and prominent Muhajirin expressed their indignation at Abu Bakr's caliphate and asked why they were not consulted. Also Ali and Zubair expressed their anger, refused to swear allegiance, and retired to Fatima's house. Fatima cried aloud and made solemn entreaties, but to no effect. They took away Ali's and Zubair's swords and hurled them against the wall, breaking them. Then they dragged them to the mosque to force them to swear allegiance."

(8) Jauhari reports from Salma Bin Abdu'r-Rahman that when Abu Bakr heard that Ali, Zubair, and a party of the Bani Hashim were assembled in Fatima's house, he sent Umar for them. Umar went to the door of Fatima's house and shouted, "Come out, otherwise, I swear I will set your house on fire!"

(9) Jauhari, according to Ibn Abi'l-Hadid in his Sharhe Nahju'l-Balagha, Volume II, page 19, narrates on the authority of Sha'bi: "When Abu Bakr heard about the gathering of the Bani Hashim in Ali's house, he said to Umar: 'Both you and Khalid go and bring Ali and Zubair to me so that they can take the oath of allegiance.' So Umar entered Fatima's house and Khalid stayed outside. Umar said to Zubair 'What is this sword?' He replied, 'I have acquired it for allegiance to Ali.'

Umar snatched the sword and hurled it at the stone inside the house and broke it. Then he brought him out to Khalid. He came back into the house, where there were many people, including Miqdad, and all the Bani Hashim. Addressing Ali, he said: 'Get up! I'm taking you to Abu Bakr. You must pay allegiance to him.'

Ali refused. Umar dragged him to Khalid. Khalid and Umar forced him along the road which was packed to capacity with men who witnessed this scene. When Fatima saw Umar's behavior, she, along with many women of the Bani Hashim (who had come to console her), came out. They were lamenting and wailing with high-pitched cries. Fatima went to the mosque where she said to Abu Bakr: 'How soon have you sacked the Ahle Bait of the Prophet of Allah. I swear by Allah, I will not talk with Umar until I see Allah.' Fatima showed her extreme disapproval of Abu Bakr and did not speak to him for the rest of her life." (See Sahih Bukhari, Part V and VII).

(10) Abu Walid Muhibu'd-Din Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Ash-Shahna Al-Hanafi (died 815 A.H.), one of your leading ulema writes in his Rauzatu'l-Manazir Fi Khabaru'l-Awa'il wa'l-Awakhir, in connection with the Saqifa affair: "Umar came to Ali's house prepared to set it on fire with all its inmates. Umar said: 'Enter into what the community has entered.'"

(11) Tabari, in his Ta'rikh Volume II, page 443, reports from Ziyad Bin Kalbi that "Talha, Zubair, and some of the Muhajirin were at Ali's house. Umar Bin Khattab went there and demanded that they come out. If they did not, he said, he would set the house on fire."

(12) Ibn Shahna, in Hashiyya-e-Kamil of Ibn Athir, Volume XI, page 112, writes in connection with the Saqifa that: "Some of the Prophet's companions, and the Bani Hashim, Zubair, Atba Bin Abi Lahab, Khalid Bin Sa'id Bin As, Miqdad Bin Aswad Kindi, Salman Farsi, Abu Dharr Ghifari, Ammar Bin Yasir, Bara'a Bin Azib, and Ubai Bin Ka'b refused to swear allegiance to Abu Bakr. They assembled in Ali's house. Umar Bin Khattab went there intending to burn down the house. Fatima protested to him. Umar said: 'Enter where all others have entered.'"

These are but a sample of the many historical facts recorded by your own historians. This affair was so commonly known that the poets of old mentioned it. One of your poets, Hafiz Ibrahim of Egypt, says in a poem in praise of Umar: "No other person but Abu Hafsa (father of Umar) could have the courage of addressing the chief of the Adnan Clan (Ali) and his comrades, saying: 'If you fail to pay allegiance, I will set your house on fire and will not leave any inmate of the house alive, even Fatima herself.'"

or a poem ..I also need one for a son to a father..our son passed away and I had a journal made for my husband to write in about our son son anything angelic,or heavenly ,thank you for your help is greatly appreciated

Jack & John were big buddies at school, and met again after an abscence of twenty years.
" So what's new ?" asked Jack. "I swotted languages" says John.."got my honours too. Met my wife at varsity, she writes poems & quotes, and has a bachelors degree in literature.
We are closely linked to culture you know...
My son is a concert pianist in America for the Philharmonic orchestra, and my daughter is head ballerina in Londons ballet circles..
you really must bring the family over one night and we celebrate a real cultural evening together...
what have you done with your life Jack ?"..
and Jack said .." i have always been a fighter from schooldays, you know..became a boxer, met my wife there.Her father is a boxing promoter, women were not allowed to box those know..., so she has a black belt in karate .
My son has national colours for wresling, and my daughter represents our country in Judo...
you must really bring the family along one evening so we can stuff you's up..

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